Tag Archives: War in the East

Burma Nightmare

Issue Number: 5243

Jungle warfare is no picnic, and for tankies trained to desert conditions it’s even worse! Sergeant Vince Roberts and his crew find themselves deployed to dank, dense, malaria-infested jungle with only their wits to guide them, but something else is interfering. As Vince’s mind begins to crack, can he hold it together? Or will he […]

Hellfire Pass

Issue Number: 5221

Trapped in the confines of the  Selarang Barracks, Sergeant Pete Mellion couldn’t be further away from his turbulent past – that is until his old nemesis, Lieutenant Reg Williams, is assigned the same work detail building the Thai-Burma Railway. Slaving away in the intense heat of the jungle, can these two foes put aside their […]


Issue Number: 5199

War cares not for history or men, as battles caused soldiers and sacred ruins to crumble together. That’s when Lieutenant Ned Morris had his dilemma. He was an archaeologist and an officer — he had a duty to protect soldiers and lost civilisations. But when his squad discovers a Japanese-held ruined Pyu city, he’s forced […]

Singapore Strike!

Issue Number: 5097

With his scrawny, bony frame, people often underestimated Fred Burton. But when two East London thugs took him for an easy target – they got a nasty surprise in the shape of a punch, kick and wallop from a Chinese sailor experienced in the art of Shaolin Kung Fu. After that, Fred became obsessed with […]

Sewer Rat

Issue Number: 5046

From out of nowhere he struck, swift and deadly, assassinating officers, stealing supplies, blowing up ammo dumps… then slipping into the shadows like a phantom. The Japanese launched a full-scale manhunt, but could find no trace of this elusive saboteur. Yet he wasn’t far away at all… right under their feet in fact!

Patrol Boat Prisoners

Issue Number: 5009

Autumn, 1944, and American was out for blood. In the waters of the western Pacific, three U.S. navy patrol torpedo boats were on the lookout for enemy vessels when they spotted a Yaeyama Minelayer. The Japanese ship was decimated. Scanning the destruction, Lieutenant Mark Murdoch noticed two lone survivors who were soon to become… PATROL […]

Operation Castaway

Issue Number: 5008

Put General “Fireball” Flynn at the head of a squad of U.S. Marines, and they’d charge a Japanese force ten times their size. Flynn knew only one way to fight – head on every time! So, stranded, alone on a Pacific island, with a force of Japanese soldiers hunting him down, Flynn drew his pistol […]

Ghost Patrol

Issue Number: 4999

When Jim Hughes, tough British foot soldier, started to take incredible risks in battle – and survived – his mates didn’t know what to make of it. Enemy bullets continually missed him by inches, while other British soldiers fell. It looked like he was living a charmed life – and he was! Jim was sure […]