Tag Archives: War in the East

Someone Must Lead

Issue Number: 5842

Cut off from their unit by the Japanese and in company with a leaderless group of Gurkhas, two British soldiers had to decide which of them would take command. Should it be Private Herbie Green, a seasoned veteran and the company scout, or Private Bob Chandler, a newcomer to the jungle? The choice seemed obvious, […]


Issue Number: 5834

Dave Gardner wanted to be a soldier. He had always dreamed of carrying on the military tradition of his family by going into battle. However, when you’re small and thin, and you can’t see very well, it isn’t so easy. But even so, Dave was going to get his chance!   Story: Garbutt Art: Blasco […]

Union Jack Jackson: Clear Sky Storm

Issue Number: 5813

He’s back! Union Jack Jackson is storming ashore on the Pacific island of Inazuma to kick the Japanese out for good! With a little help from his pals Sean O’Bannion and Sergeant Art Lonnigan, Union Jack Jackson must find an airfield which has been launching devastating attacks on US Navy convoys. But the Brit soon […]

River of Death

Issue Number: 5794

They took Jim Chalmers off Hurricanes because they reckoned he’d lost his nerve, fought too many dogfights with Zeroes. They gave him a lumbering Dakota on a routine job ferrying supplies from one base to another. Jim didn’t like this at all, but he needn’t have worried. There were wilder days coming, days when he […]

The Treasure of Devil Island

Issue Number: 5786

Not every desert island is a paradise… as the shipwrecked British sailors washed up on Tarotonga were quick to find out. They’d barely dragged themselves ashore when an eerie wailing echoed along the beach and chilled their blood. Someone or something seemed displeased at their presence, and events began to take a more murderous course. […]

Hold Fast, Digger!

Issue Number: 5705

Aussie Corporal Jack Harris was in the thick of the action at Milne Bay when the Japanese invasion force landed. The fighting was fierce, and he and his unit were forced to retreat, leaving behind many comrades in the chaos, including a young private named Tom Cooper. When Jack got safely back to base, Sergeant […]