Tag Archives: War in the Desert

Sands of Fear

Issue Number: 5840

Lieutenant Bill Johnston had real trouble on his hands – in the shape of a know-it-all Yank out on patrol with Bill’s tough, desert‑wise LRDG men, who just didn’t take to big heads. And the American, Lieutenant Schnabel, thought he knew the lot. So, as well as the desert and the Nazis, Bill had to […]

No Surrender

Issue Number: 5839

Egypt, 1942. The war in the desert was as hot as the blazing sun, with the Italians fighting the British in an all‑out battle for supremacy. The Long Range Desert Patrol was an ace in the hand of the Brits, and their raiding parties went behind enemy lines to cut off vital supplies to their […]

Born to be Brave

Issue Number: 5819

They called him a “headline hero” – a guy always out for glory, a guy who was always getting his photograph in the papers. Then, on one routine mission, his luck ran out. With his Spitfire riddled with German bullets, he parachuted from a flaming cockpit to the desert sands below. Nothing would ever be […]

Saved from the Desert

Issue Number: 5814

Corporal Tim Jolly and his mate Lofty Peake knew that the only thing that kept their squadron’s aircrafts flying was the giant transporter that they used to recover crashed planes. In the desert with spares almost unobtainable, every usable part they brought back was worth its weight in gold. But then one day a bossy […]

Desert Mystery

Issue Number: 5810

The German officer had been prepared to see a mirage or two in the desert, and he’d expected something along the lines of Arab tribesmen and palm trees. But now he was seeing a giant dinosaur lumbering straight towards him! He couldn’t believe his eyes, but the way the monster snapped its slavering jaws soon […]

The Spy That Never Was

Issue Number: 5804

When you find two men, one unconscious, handcuffed together and in the middle of the desert, you want to know what’s going on. And when one says he’s a Military Police Sergeant taking a suspected spy to stand trial, it sounds a fair enough answer. But when the other guy tells you that the Sergeant […]

Strange Frequencies

Issue Number: 5795

The camp is deserted, no sign of life anywhere. But what’s that you hear among the shifting sands in the barren North African desert? Maybe in the distance there is the drum and thump of artillery like a heartbeat, but not here, not even the howls of the wind interrupt the horrible stillness. That is […]

The Deadly Sun

Issue Number: 5747

Ever since Martin Connors was a boy, he had admired the sun. Now in 1918, as its burning rays shone down on him flying high over the desert in his Sopwith Camel, his admiration turned to hatred. For the deadly sun blinded him, and out of its light, coming directly at Martin, was a German […]

Butterfield’s Battle

Issue Number: 5742

An easy-going manner and interest in history, plus a name like Claude Butterfield… they don’t seem to add up to the stuff that heroes are made of, do they? But Claude could be as fierce as a tiger if something made him angry — and then whoever was responsible had better look out!   Story: […]