Tag Archives: Simon Pritchard

Leagues Apart

Issue Number: 5835

Footballers Jimmy Harris and Danny Meggs hated each other’s guts. They were bitter rivals on and off the pitch, but things all came to a head at the qualifying match for promotion to the next division. With talent scouts watching, Danny performed a devastating tackle on Jimmy which landed with a sickening crunch. The injury […]


Issue Number: 5811

On a freezing Christmas Eve in Germany, SS Major Metzger prevails upon an old woman for shelter while his prisoners shiver outside. In the firelight, he listens as she regales him with an eerie tale from her childhood. It is a tale of ancient folk customs and arrogant tyrants, of rattling chains in the dark […]

Polish Paras

Issue Number: 5809

Operation Market Garden, 1944. The brave men of 1st Independent Polish Parachute Brigade jumped out of their transports above Arnhem, ready for red-hot action. Thousands of parachutes opened and floated through the skies with men who only had one thing on their mind, “finally we can get back at the Nazis!” Among their number was […]


Issue Number: 5783

North Africa, November 1942. During the aerial front of Operation Torch, an Allied pilot and a Vichy pilot are forced down in a mountainous region of Algeria. Ready to continue the battle hand to hand, they soon must put their differences aside, as they discover they’ve landed slap bang in the hunting ground of a […]

Renegade Raiders: The Windmill

Issue Number: 5773

The Renegade Raiders return in more paratrooper action after D-Day! Sergeant Joe Shatner and his group of mavericks have more than just Nazis to contend with, as his brown-nosing lieutenant has it out for them! That is until a surprising radio call has the Renegade Raiders hightailing it to a windmill in enemy territory on […]