Tag Archives: RA Montague

Into The Attack

Issue Number: 5610

Commanded by Lieutenant Terry Horton, the sleek motor torpedo boat sped into the attack, guns blazing and torpedoes ready to launch at the German convoy ahead. But he didn’t just have the enemy to contend with, for in this crack flotilla there was another skipper who was doing his best to blacken Terry’s name —and […]

Top Cover

Issue Number: 5566

Providing support for a bunch of hard-pressed troops in the thick jungle wasn’t easy for even a crack squadron of Thunderbolts. In fact, it would have been well-nigh impossible but for the efforts of Tony Norton. Although he was a fine pilot, Tony was on the ground right now, fighting alongside the soldiers and sending […]

Find Them, Sink Them!

Issue Number: 5506

Lieutenant Tony Markham stood on the bridge of his Motor Torpedo Boat. In front of him was a twenty‑millimetre cannon, behind him were twin half‑inch machine guns and to each side a twenty‑one inch torpedo. Sounds a lot? Not when the target is a massive enemy tanker in a heavily defended French harbour it’s not! […]