Tag Archives: Penalva

The Desperate Men

Issue Number: 5712

Cut off far behind enemy lines, you’re fighting to get back to your own troops. For food and ammunition you have to rely on what you can steal, and for transport — well, it’s your own aching feet, for mile after weary mile. Of course, you could always steal a car from the nearest enemy […]

Danger At Dawn

Issue Number: 5704

The American military policeman, fatally wounded, gasped out his last words — in German! And that was more than enough to set British Captain Bob Lawton thinking hard. For he and his CO, Lieutenant-General Digby, were in the care of Yank MPs behind enemy lines in North Africa and far from any friendly unit. To […]

Trail Blazers

Issue Number: 5676

In his first action against the Germans, Lieutenant Guy Morton lowered his head and charged. His men cheered and followed — and that was a shock for Guy, because he’d been sure he was running away from the fight! Deep down, Lieutenant Guy Morton felt he was a coward — and now he had been […]

Deadly Rendezvous

Issue Number: 5572

Lieutenant Ken Miller and Sergeant Bill Blunden had a most important mission — to give the Germans as much information about the Allied invasion of Europe as possible. Heading into enemy-occupied France on a foggy night in May 1944, the pair had a date with danger to keep. How could they know what lay ahead? […]