Tag Archives: Penalva

Last Chance

Issue Number: 5828

Sergeant Ben Lockner was always the first into action and the last out — a fighting machine, a soldier who knew no fear, the type of NCO whose men would follow him anywhere. Some folk wondered what made Ben tick, what special courage kept him cool as ice in the hottest action. They all had […]

The Spy That Never Was

Issue Number: 5804

When you find two men, one unconscious, handcuffed together and in the middle of the desert, you want to know what’s going on. And when one says he’s a Military Police Sergeant taking a suspected spy to stand trial, it sounds a fair enough answer. But when the other guy tells you that the Sergeant […]


Issue Number: 5772

It must have been the strangest duel in the Second World War – a rifle matched against a giant V2 rocket, the Nazis’ most fearful terror weapon. But the man carefully sighting along that rifle barrel was dead-shot Captain Gordon Baxter. He wasn’t likely to miss, even when he knew he’d probably be blown to […]


Issue Number: 5768

Mitch Mitchell had had his fill of the army. He’d lost his corporal’s stripes when they busted him for taking a swipe at an officer. But by hard work and guts, he eventually climbed back to the dizzy heights of sergeant. But then he’d lost his temper once more… and bang went his stripes again. […]

Operation Bulldog

Issue Number: 5756

As the Allies poured men and equipment onto the Normandy beaches in the attempt to smash their way into Hitler’s Europe, many weird and secret weapons were used in action for the very first time. Yet none of these secret weapons were anything like that of Private “Knuckles” MacNeil…the hero who stormed ashore with the […]

Valley of Flame

Issue Number: 5744

Sergeant Bull Moore, a tough veteran who’d been in more tight corners than he could remember, had never met an officer like Lieutenant Stephen Wylie before. Stephen wore glasses, was timid as a mouse, and wasn’t even sure how to fire his own revolver! He’d even been known to chuck grenades at Nazis without taking […]