Tag Archives: Jaume Forns

U-Boat Gold

Issue Number: 5569

One morning in autumn, 1944, the fishing boat Serenity set out to sea from Trinidad never to return. Instead, Serenity’s crew are taken hostage by a deadly gang of Kriegsmarine and Royal Navy sailors with one thing on their minds — digging up their stolen gold and fleeing the war to Venezuela. But Serenity is not […]

Two Men in A Boat… Again

Issue Number: 5545

You may remember a tale of two RAF men, stranded somewhat begrudgingly together, in a boat somewhere in the British Channel after Dunkirk. Well, the nightmare pair are back at it again, lumbered with top-secret intelligence jobs, flying in a stolen Jerry floatplane. Only with these two numskulls, it’s bound not to last long!   […]

Frozen Fallout

Issue Number: 5491

Private Lars Ratvik was the worst of all the men in Kompani Reinsdyr, otherwise known as Independent Norwegian Company 1. He couldn’t ski fast, couldn’t arm explosives correctly, he was clumsy and generally useless. But when the chips were down and everything laid on his shoulders, he had to take charge and complete the mission […]

Into the Vortex

Issue Number: 5461

US Army nurse Nancy Lewis had a lot to contend with —the Nazis were still pounding the Allies on the Anzio beachhead and her best friend Emma Wade was MIA! What’s more, Nancy’s only ally in finding Emma was wacky Sci-Fi aficionado Duke Waverly. But with futuristic rockets hitting their shipping and someone who looked […]

Flak Crew

Issue Number: 5441

For the crew of an 88mm Flak gun on the Eastern Front, life was tough. Not only did they have blistering‑cold Russian winters to contend with — but also wet and muddy autumns, meagre supplies, thin watery soups, deadly Jabos attacks, brutish enemy tanks, along with the endless waves of determined Soviet soldiers. What started […]

Miss Hellfire

Issue Number: 5415

A socialite, nurse, and driver, Petra Stone wasn’t afraid of anything. Once she fixed her mind on something she put her foot straight down on the accelerator, racing ahead and leaving everyone else in her dust. When war broke out, finally she had a real challenge and a chance to prove herself. She didn’t know what […]

Lord of the Vortex

Issue Number: 5399

US Army Nurse Emma Wade was no stranger to wacky adventures but this was a new one… Granted, she hadn’t slept in the thirty hours she’d been at the Anzio beachhead, but it was strange indeed that she found herself tagging along with Rek Starlo, a self-confessed galactic avenger. Stranger still, he was determined to […]