Tag Archives: Infantry


Issue Number: 4803
The Deadly Waters

When German forces invaded the Netherlands in 1940, Dutch Army Lieutenants Dirk Dreise and Ruud Aaker fought in the front line. The campaign went against them, though, forcing them to escape to England where they were assigned to clandestine intelligence work. Eventually the tide of war turned and in 1944 they were back in their […]


Issue Number: 4799
Eagles Of New Eden

After the tumultuous events of the English Civil War, Sergeant Samuel Carrick and his fellow Roundhead soldiers were victorious but disillusioned. So disillusioned, that they sailed away to start new lives in the far-off Americas. The idyllic farming colony they established was christened New Eden. Here they worked hard and lived peacefully off the fruits […]


Issue Number: 4794
Duel In The Snow

Climbing dazedly from the shattered cockpit of his hijacked Zero, Pilot Officer Bill O’Hara was relieved to find himself still in one piece. But his troubles weren’t over yet. A deadly duel was about to begin on the side of a mountain will Bill, unarmed and exhausted, against a fanatical enemy officer out for revenge! […]


Issue Number: 4793
The Rogue Mission

The Home Guard never served overseas, did they? And they certainly didn’t take their improvised armoured vehicles to the east of Africa to fight Axis forces, did they? Of course they didn’t. Or did they? A bunch of Home Guardsmen from Hecklethwaite might beg to differ, for they know the story of… The Rogue Mission


Issue Number: 4792
Call Him Hero

Look how young Sergeant-pilot Jack Sherwood left a Nazi prison camp – on the end of a home-made, twelve-foot vaulting pole! And this is only one of a hair-raising series of close shaves Jack survives in this great yarn. Sprinter, weight-lifter, jumper and vaulter, this crack user athlete has to pull out he knows before […]


Issue Number: 4791
The Eagles Strike!

The mid-17th Century would turn out to the most turbulent time in England’s already tempestuous history. In summer 1642, a full-scale civil war erupted between the armies of the Royalist “Cavalier” and the Parliamentary “Roundheads.” Even the village of Teverton in the far south-west of Britain was caught up in the strife, and a centuries-old […]


Issue Number: 4789
Frozen By Fear

Most jungle firefights are fought over short range and are over in a few minutes. Vision is limited and snap shots at targets are the order of the day. Australian Army Corporal Jerry Warner was caught up in one such skirmish. With night falling and his life in jeopardy, he blazed away, knocking down attacker […]


Issue Number: 4781
D-Day Dodgers

In 1944 someone named the servicemen in Italy the D-Day Dodgers; as though somehow the war they were fighting was a cushy number compared to the battles in France. Outraged, one national newspaper decided to expose these loafers once and for all. That’s how reporter Perry Potter and his photographer Chalky White came to be […]


Issue Number: 4780
Fighting Fury

He was only a skinny little guy, about five feet nothing at all…but, by jiminy, any Nazis who ran up against Private Sam Small were out of luck. While his ammo lasted, Sam shot them; then with his empty gun he clubbed them; when it was in splinters, he started in with his bare hands! […]