Tag Archives: Infantry


Issue Number: 4825

Lieutenant Pete Wade was very glad to see the last of Greece. He had seen too many brave men die facing hopeless odds as the Nazis swarmed in with overwhelming numbers. But he wouldn’t have been nearly so pleased if he’d known that he’d be sent back to Greece…by parachute, at dead of night. And […]


Issue Number: 4824
The Desperate Hours

“Old Soldiers never die,” was just another saying to Corporal Bill Curtis and Private Jack Hunt until that night they landed on an island to sabotage the huge guns threatening the Allied invasion forces. Then strange things began to happen. It all started when they met up with an officer of Napoleon’s Army – a […]


Issue Number: 4823

The wars started with a peasant’s revolt in Paris and ended beside an obscure farmhouse in Belgium. Over nearly three decades, France, her armies and her new emperor turned Europe into a cauldron of conflict. Henri Durant and Jean Tavere were just two of the thousands of men whose lives were turned upside down in […]


Issue Number: 4818
Smith V Schmidt

A sniper was usually good – or dead. There were no half measures, for the first mistake was usually his last. Tim Smith and Willi Schmidt were just learning their deadly trade on different sides, their classroom the battlefields of Normandy. When their paths crossed the certainty grew that one of them must die – […]


Issue Number: 4815
Ramsey's Raiders: Italian Ambush

His superiors described Captain James Ramsey as unconventional. His enemies described him as a menace. His men described him as The Boss. No matter how he was characterised, though, the man was a fighting fury that no-one in their right mind would cross. Then a bunch of Italian guerrilla fighters did just that. Despite the […]


Issue Number: 4807
The Eagles Ride

In the late 1700s, Ensign Francis Allingham, of the Wessex Dragoons, and his friend, junior naval Lieutenant John Harker, joined forces to help rescue French aristocrats from the “Reign of Terror” – a dark period in history when the rulers of the new republic executed any who stood against them. Despite the risks, Francis’ special […]


Issue Number: 4806
Secret Of The Alps

All it took was one shot from a flare pistol to bring the entire German armoured column to a chaotic standstill. There was no shock wave, no heat blast…just a silent explosion of brilliant light that blinded every pair of eyes within a mile. Even inside tanks there was no protection from this unearthly glare, […]


Issue Number: 4805
Brothers In Danger

Canadian sniper Michel Caron had been recruited by Gabe Dubois, his adopted brother, for a special mission that required expert, high-precision shooting. In the bombed-out ruins of Caen in Northern France, death lurked in every shadow – and the brothers soon realised that both of them would have to be ready to sacrifice anything, even […]