Tag Archives: Infantry


Issue Number: 4844
Hurricane Ace

The huge stone statue of Buddha smiled… Beside it on this remote Burmese hillside lay the smoking wreckage of a Japanese transport plane, with an injured general inside, and a complete set of plans for their invasion of India. From every point of the compass Japanese search parties came to hunt for the wreck. And […]


Issue Number: 4841
Prisoner At War

When his P47 Thunderbolt was shot down over Sicily, Major Mike Dante of the USAAF was caught by some passing Italian infantrymen. However, when Italy surrendered to Allied forces soon after, this particular unit were having none of it. They decided to wage their own guerrilla war against a vicious German panzer grenadier squad who […]


Issue Number: 4840
Tank Buster

TWO old tanks – two knocked-out Italian tanks whose guns still worked, and were trained on the prison camp fence – these and some vicious strands of barbed wire were what stood between a crowd of desperate British prisoners and freedom. Captain Al Kelly and Lieutenant Pete Smith reckoned there was a fighting chance of […]


Issue Number: 4839
Eagles Of The Crimea

In the Mid-19th Century, Adam Carrick, an American war correspondent with English ancestry, was at the frontline of the Crimean War. As British forces clashed with Russian infantry and cavalry, the young journalist stumbled upon a fascinating story – a long-standing rivalry between two British officers, one from the artillery and the other from a […]


Issue Number: 4837
Sniper Zone

Salerno, Italy, 1943. Life as a sniper suited Lance-Corporal Eric Shaw. He had seen a lot of mates die after a couple of tragic accidents and now he had become a loner – guilty that he had survived when they hadn’t. His sharp-shooting skills improved with each day and he tried to help out any […]


Issue Number: 4830
Appointment In Cairo

Cairo – Egypt’s capital city and British General Headquarters in the Middle East, nerve centre of the Allied campaign in North Africa. A city filled with soldiers, sailors, airmen…but also a city teeming with spies and agents, men who would stop at nothing to get the information they needed…then send back to their own headquarters […]


Issue Number: 4829
Operation Double Bluff

After seeing his fellow Paratroop squad soldiers brutally killed by Germans in enemy-occupied Holland – and being shot himself and left to die – Lieutenant Ralph Loach was a man determined to settle the score. Newly transferred to war-battered Berlin with the Intelligence Corps, could Ralph put aside his quest for revenge long enough to […]


Issue Number: 4828
One False Move

“Unexploded bomb!” That dreaded cry would send shivers down the spine of the bravest man. Yet, for Lieutenant Bill Seddon of the Bomb Disposal Company, it was all in the line of duty. Every day he faced the task of defusing these devilish devices with the same outward coolness. But now the strain was beginning […]


Issue Number: 4827
know your enemy

In the Summer of 1940, rumours abounded that German forces were poised to invade Great Britain… Brigadier Harry Thomas of the Intelligence Corps believed in hard facts and those came from proper intelligence, reported by seasoned professionals. Aerial reconnaissance photos, for example, were valuable, of course, but they were no match for a couple of […]


Issue Number: 4826
Fit To Fight

Massive doors set in a cliff face. Enemy submarines slinking in at night to their hidden lair…and slinking out again before dawn to go about their deadly business. This base could not be bombed or shelled, but it had to be destroyed. And the man to do it was a soldier sent home from the […]