Tag Archives: Ian Kennedy


Issue Number: 4798
Shield Of Truth

Buried under rock and sand in the North African Desert lay the Shield Of Truth. Made of bronze, highly polished, it revealed the truth about any man who looked into its mirror surface. Hidden for over two thousand years, it was found by two British pilots who had staggered mile after mile across the merciless […]


Issue Number: 4794
Duel In The Snow

Climbing dazedly from the shattered cockpit of his hijacked Zero, Pilot Officer Bill O’Hara was relieved to find himself still in one piece. But his troubles weren’t over yet. A deadly duel was about to begin on the side of a mountain will Bill, unarmed and exhausted, against a fanatical enemy officer out for revenge! […]


Issue Number: 4790
Flak Fever

Flieger Abwehr Kanone – a German mouthful that was shortened to “flak”, a word dreaded by every Allied pilot. It meant anti-aircraft guns, those multi-barrelled cannon and deadly 88-millimetre guns that could blast attackers out of the sky. Every important target in Nazi Europe bristled with them. Mosquito pilot Terry Franklin had met his fair […]


Issue Number: 4786
Wagons... Ho!

There was only one thing that Sergeant Jack Brett and his Matilda tank crew hated as much as the Germans, and that was a certain tank transporter crew from the Royal Army Service Corps. When they weren’t fighting the one, they were fighting the other. And so, when all three met on the Egyptian desert, […]


Issue Number: 4782
Tempest Fury

In the summer of 1944, a frightening new weapon was unleashed against the war-weary British – the dreaded V1 flying bomb. Sergeant-Pilot Jamie Collins had a personal score to settle with these robots of death. So when his squadron-leader grounded him after yet another display of reckless flying, it didn’t stop him. Where there were […]


Issue Number: 4781
D-Day Dodgers

In 1944 someone named the servicemen in Italy the D-Day Dodgers; as though somehow the war they were fighting was a cushy number compared to the battles in France. Outraged, one national newspaper decided to expose these loafers once and for all. That’s how reporter Perry Potter and his photographer Chalky White came to be […]


Issue Number: 4777
Sky Warriors

Towards the end of the Second World War, the Balkan Air Force operated over Greece and Yugoslavia, supplying the Partisans and fighting Axis air power. Made up of men and aircraft of many different nationalities, it was an uneasy alliance at the best of times. Former enemies were expected to put aside their differences and […]