Tag Archives: Ian Kennedy


Issue Number: 4830
Appointment In Cairo

Cairo – Egypt’s capital city and British General Headquarters in the Middle East, nerve centre of the Allied campaign in North Africa. A city filled with soldiers, sailors, airmen…but also a city teeming with spies and agents, men who would stop at nothing to get the information they needed…then send back to their own headquarters […]


Issue Number: 4828
One False Move

“Unexploded bomb!” That dreaded cry would send shivers down the spine of the bravest man. Yet, for Lieutenant Bill Seddon of the Bomb Disposal Company, it was all in the line of duty. Every day he faced the task of defusing these devilish devices with the same outward coolness. But now the strain was beginning […]


Issue Number: 4826
Fit To Fight

Massive doors set in a cliff face. Enemy submarines slinking in at night to their hidden lair…and slinking out again before dawn to go about their deadly business. This base could not be bombed or shelled, but it had to be destroyed. And the man to do it was a soldier sent home from the […]


Issue Number: 4822
Full Speed East

THE MEN – Tough British sailors schooled in the traditions of Trafalgar. Lean, hard-fighting Americans spurred on by the memory of Pearl Harbour. THE SHIPS – MTBs of the Royal Navy – four torpedo tubes, six guns, capable of 40 knots. Patrol Torpedo Boats of the US Navy – four tubes, five guns, a top […]


Issue Number: 4815
Ramsey's Raiders: Italian Ambush

His superiors described Captain James Ramsey as unconventional. His enemies described him as a menace. His men described him as The Boss. No matter how he was characterised, though, the man was a fighting fury that no-one in their right mind would cross. Then a bunch of Italian guerrilla fighters did just that. Despite the […]


Issue Number: 4813
Ramsey's Raiders

They were a motley bunch – two Scotsmen, one Englishman, one Welshman, one Irishman and an Australian. Led by the unconventional Captain James Ramsey, they were known as the Special Raiding Force, and their job was to operate behind enemy lines in North Africa. They wrote their own rules, and their specially armed jeeps packed […]


Issue Number: 4811
Fighting Frank

While London stood stolidly in the face of relentless Luftwaffe bombing attacks, petty criminal and expert safe-breaker Frank Raymond was on the run. He only stopped running when he enlisted in the Army. Though Frank had joined up as a last-ditch, desperate attempt to save his life, he’d actually found his calling. He even went […]


Issue Number: 4808
Gurkhas To The Rescue

A figure moved silently in the darkness of the jungle clearing…then another – and moments later two sentries fell unconscious without a sound. Swiftly the intruders stepped over the inert bodies and through the door of the now unguarded hut. But these attackers wore the same uniform as the sentries and they were in the […]


Issue Number: 4806
Secret Of The Alps

All it took was one shot from a flare pistol to bring the entire German armoured column to a chaotic standstill. There was no shock wave, no heat blast…just a silent explosion of brilliant light that blinded every pair of eyes within a mile. Even inside tanks there was no protection from this unearthly glare, […]


Issue Number: 4801
A Tiger's Tale

“Tiger!” – a cry that struck fear into many a soldier’s heart during the Second World War. Little wonder when it meant that you were about to encounter 50-odd tons of armoured might, impervious to all but the heaviest weapons and with an 88mm gun whose shells could punch right through another tank from a […]