Tag Archives: Ian Kennedy

Agents at War

Issue Number: 5157

SS Standartenfuhrer Rudi Reinstein smiled to himself, thinking he had just duped a dumb American into being a spy for the Nazi cause. But as he reached into his unusually light briefcase and found underwear in the place of his important Nazi documents, he realised it was him who had been duped! And so the […]


Issue Number: 5156

Stan Turner of Air-sea rescue had a really dicey job, snatching ditched pilots from the hungry English Channel… sometimes under the very muzzles of the guns on the enemy coast. Then there was always the dangerous trip back to base, dodging shells and bullets as the launch leapt over the waves to bring its precious […]

Carrier Pilot

Issue Number: 5154

For some jet pilots, take‑offs and landings on an aircraft carrier were a tad frightening to say the least. It was like that for rookie Garry Carter, operating off the coast of Vietnam, and it didn’t help that superior types like senator’s son, Scott Bradey, boasted that he found it all very easy. But once […]

High Risk Rescue

Issue Number: 5142

Serving on Coastal Motor Boats during the First World War was no joke. 55 feet long, with a top speed of 40 knots, they were uncomfortable and noisy. Their torpedo-launching system was almost as dangerous for their crews as it was for their targets! But now, CMB skipper, Lieutenant Frank Judge had an even more […]

Under Fire!

Issue Number: 5138

Occupied France, 1944. Medical student Jean Valdon was under suspicion by his fellow Frenchmen of collaborating with the Germans. Jean didn’t waste time arguing. He offered his services — and skills — to the hard‑pressed British Army and set out to prove himself… Story: Ian Clark Art: Olivera Cover: Ian Kennedy