Tag Archives: Ian Kennedy

The Flight of Lanky Lou

Issue Number: 5409

Newly-qualified Flight Sergeant Owen Lewis was delivered to his new base inside the very plane he was about to serve in. The Lancaster was a beauty, and the crew welcomed Lewis with open arms — all except their bomb aimer, Burston, who had a chip on his shoulder bigger than the bombs he dropped over […]

A Fool’s Errand

Issue Number: 5403

Lieutenant Stanley Harvey wasn’t the most experienced officer plodding around the Egyptian desert in 1942. And his young age didn’t really inspire confidence in the rank and file either. So, when Harvey was sent on a useless little task with scruffy Privates Kenny Cheam and Sidney Kerr, he felt like he was being fobbed off. […]

Lord of the Vortex

Issue Number: 5399

US Army Nurse Emma Wade was no stranger to wacky adventures but this was a new one… Granted, she hadn’t slept in the thirty hours she’d been at the Anzio beachhead, but it was strange indeed that she found herself tagging along with Rek Starlo, a self-confessed galactic avenger. Stranger still, he was determined to […]

The Commando and the Pilot

Issue Number: 5394

Tom Picalli’s boast was that he could fly any type of plane, so it wasn’t long before he was flying Dakotas for the American Air Force. But he wasn’t boasting now, as he flew over enemy‑held Sicily, for Tom had never been so scared in all his life. Flak was bursting all around his aircraft […]

The Jets from Nowhere!

Issue Number: 5390

The Heinkel 162 jet fighter swept in low over the RAF airstrip, strafing the parked Typhoons and anything that moved. By the time the British had recovered, the enemy machines had disappeared. Patrols were sent out, a German airfield was bombed, but still the jets survived. They had to have a base somewhere, and it […]

Code Drop

Issue Number: 5389

Warring siblings Penny and Oliver have parted ways and are soon on opposite sides of the world, doing their bit for the war effort. As Oliver lays waste to Vichy forces in Madagascar with the Commandos, Penny retrieves vital intelligence for the Allies in Normandy. But their fates are inextricably stitched together at the culmination […]

Coventry Blitz

Issue Number: 5383

The night of 14th November, 1940, was one the industrial city of Coventry would never forget. Over 500 German bombers darkened the already inky night sky above the city before Coventry became an inferno — their bombs obliterating factories and homes alike. Among the fiery streets, Charlie Briggs of the Auxiliary Fire Service fought to […]

Castle of Darkness

Every old castle is supposed to be haunted by ghosts, and the Castle Karlovic in Czechoslovakia was no exception. The British special service agents sent there during the Second World War weren’t concerned with ghosts though. They were trying to rescue a scientist from the clutches of the Nazis! But what they could never have […]

Cowards Always Run

Issue Number: 5378

War had washed over the French village of Rethcourt like tides. The locals had learned to live with them and to look forward to the peace which followed in their wake. But for three Frenchmen in particular, peace seemed destined never to come. Their secret war raged on as they fought with the memory of […]

Convoy Patrol

Issue Number: 5374

Fairey Swordfish flew and fought from many dangerous places during the war, but the most risky of all were the tiny aircraft carriers converted from merchant ships. That’s where Lieutenant Paul Drayton of the Fleet Air Arm found himself, and as if the Focke-Wulf Kondors and the weather weren’t enough to contend with, he was […]