Tag Archives: Hurricane

The Fighting Few

Issue Number: 5060

Squadron Leader Connor was a man who couldn’t be trusted. Every time he and his men flew into battle, he pulled some stupid stunt that cost a young pilot’s life. But what could his men do? The top brass would never believe the stories of Connor’s stupidity. So Flying Officer Gavin Roberts took the law […]

Safety First

Issue Number: 5054

R.A.F. officers, Johnny Lees and Nat Rankin, were both skilled fighter pilots. Put either of them in the cockpit of a Hurricane and they could handle whatever the Luftwaffe threw their way. But in an unarmed fishing boat, with a German fighter homing in with all guns blazing, their chances of survival were drastically reduced! […]


Issue Number: 4996
Hurricane!, cover by Ken Barr

Imagine a Russian squadron whose ancient biplanes have been swept out of the sky by speedy Me 109s. They’re thirsting for revenge. Then comes along Kirk Roland with a trainload of superfast Hurricanes, ready to risk his life in teaching the Russian pilots how to hit back hard. You’d have thought they would welcome him […]