Tag Archives: Hailey Austin

The Viper

Issue Number: 5727

Bacuit Bay, Palawan Island, Philippines, 1944. Imelda Hernandez, nicknamed “The Viper” is a schoolteacher turned guerrilla-commander intent on annihilating the Japanese invasion with her bolo knife and lightning-fast strikes. When deserters of her guerrilla group are captured by the Japanese, Imelda must decide whether to continue on her warpath toward the Japanese soldiers who killed […]

The Last War Chief

Issue Number: 5599

Leading a war party into battle. Sneaking into an enemy camp and stealing a horse. Taking away an enemy’s weapon. Touching an enemy without being harmed.   These are the four coups that Paul Yellowtail of the Crow Nation must complete in his fight against Germans in the Rhineland if he is to become…The Last […]

Frozen Fallout

Issue Number: 5491

Private Lars Ratvik was the worst of all the men in Kompani Reinsdyr, otherwise known as Independent Norwegian Company 1. He couldn’t ski fast, couldn’t arm explosives correctly, he was clumsy and generally useless. But when the chips were down and everything laid on his shoulders, he had to take charge and complete the mission […]

Code Drop

Issue Number: 5389

Warring siblings Penny and Oliver have parted ways and are soon on opposite sides of the world, doing their bit for the war effort. As Oliver lays waste to Vichy forces in Madagascar with the Commandos, Penny retrieves vital intelligence for the Allies in Normandy. But their fates are inextricably stitched together at the culmination […]

Iron Resistance

Issue Number: 5313

Women in the French Resistance played a vital role in fighting back against their Nazi invaders. For many, the biggest role they could play was in sabotage… Michelle Peel was one such woman, and with a basket full of explosives and the help of some friends she would attempt to take down a vital Nazi […]

Steel Inferno

Issue Number: 5241

Uxton was a prime target. It was home to one of the largest filling stations in Britain, which sent train upon train laden with munitions to the front lines. This, and its sleepy small‑town defence, made it a tasty looking objective for German sabotage. The only thing standing in the Nazi operatives’ way was two […]