Tag Archives: Gonzalez

Battle Drop

Issue Number: 5812

Down through the night floated the British paratroopers, every man trained to razor-sharp efficiency. And on the ground waiting to do battle with these invaders were German paratroopers – the toughest soldiers in the Wehrmacht. The fighting would be grim when the two units clashed… but neither side imagined they’d soon be banding together to […]

River of Death

Issue Number: 5794

They took Jim Chalmers off Hurricanes because they reckoned he’d lost his nerve, fought too many dogfights with Zeroes. They gave him a lumbering Dakota on a routine job ferrying supplies from one base to another. Jim didn’t like this at all, but he needn’t have worried. There were wilder days coming, days when he […]

Terror Team

Issue Number: 5408

Tom Barton was desperate to get into action, but the Army wouldn’t let him fight. They wanted him to do an office job, not get mixed up with the Nazis. Well, Tom wasn’t having that. Somehow, he would get into the thick of it. So he took another man’s place! But Tom wasn’t to know […]