Tag Archives: Galindo

Project “Doomsday”

Issue Number: 5824

In a Nazi Air Ministry building in Berlin, a heavy file of documents and blueprints contained the secrets of a weapon which had been designed to win the war for Hitler. British Intelligence knew it by two words only — two words which could mean death and destruction for every man, woman and child in […]

Desert Fox

Issue Number: 5760

“The Ghost” — that was the British soldiers’ nickname for the solitary German tank which would appear mysteriously out of the desert wastes to create havoc, and then just as strangely disappear. Its tracks could never be seen, and everybody reckoned it was unstoppable — everybody, that is, except Sergeant Greg Fox. Greg decided to […]

Undercover Agent

Issue Number: 5684

Why were a dozen German paratroopers being flown into British-occupied territory? And why was there a mixed bunch of black-marketeers to greet them? There was certainly more to this than met the eye, and Captain Don Burke, a British undercover agent, was determined to find out what was going on. Story: RA Montague Art: Galindo […]

Death in the Desert

Issue Number: 5648

When Lieutenant Neil Andrews found himself press‑ganged into the bunch of ruffians known as “Portland’s Pirates”, his welcome wasn’t a happy one. As the brutal Sergeant Nick Kearney said, “This ain’t no Boy Scout troop. There’s just one way to get out of our mob, and that’s feet‑first!” Yes, being one of Portland’s Pirates could […]