Tag Archives: Falklands War

Birthday Bash

Issue Number: 5659

During the Falklands War, when the lighthouse at Gideon’s Point went dark, British Marines led by Sergeant Steve Dennison were sent in to shed light on the situation. They soon found the area crawling with Argentine soldiers but before they could engage them, the Argentinians vanished out of sight. Where could a whole platoon disappear […]

Cold Conflict

Issue Number: 5533

April 1982 saw Britain enter a new conflict half the world away. But before the war would officially begin, tensions rose as three Royal Marines were sent on a recce mission far from their base at Port Stanley when Argentinian forces invaded the Falklands. Left with an impossible mission that could change the tide of […]

Old Dogs

Issue Number: 5531

Known as Operation Folklore, the Air Ministry knew they had to box clever if they wanted to beat the invading Argentinians out of the Falkland Islands. Flying a Canberra under Chilean colours, they would recon the enemy without arousing suspicion. But when the pair operating the aircraft is a reckless, young RAF pilot and the […]

Ready for Anything

Issue Number: 5411

To say paratroopers Callum Phillips and Heath Antwi didn’t like each other was an understatement. In fact, they hated each other’s guts! A bitter rivalry had formed between the two after a childish prank cost Heath a promotion and won it for Callum. A proud paratrooper, Callum thought he was ready for anything but he […]

The Forgotten Hero

Issue Number: 5405

When Kieran Hale receives a mysterious wreath at his grandfather’s funeral, signed only “M”, he is desperate to find who sent it. His investigation soon uncovers more about his grandfather’s tour of duty in the Falklands, as he meets old Commandos and unexpected comrades in arms, each with their own extraordinary story of bravery. From […]

War Crime

Issue Number: 5359

Since he first stepped onto the beach at East Falkland, Marine Kurt Silverton wanted nothing more than to find and impress his cousin, Steven. Steven was the toughest lad in school, nothing phased him! But when Kurt finds him, he’s a shell of his former self. He’s looking over his shoulder, whispering a dark secret […]