Tag Archives: CG Walker


Issue Number: 5706

For centuries the Nebbit family had been renowned for their marksmanship. Their skill with bow and arrow had won them the respect of a powerful Norman lord — and the right for them to keep their land. Now, hundreds of years later, Joe Nebbit was to prove that his family were still crack shots — […]

The Reckoning

Issue Number: 5698

Alan and Dick had been friends for years. They were boys at the same school together. Alan was the quiet one. Not very interested in sport, he was usually to be found reading a book. Dick was the happy-go-lucky type, always playing football, tennis or cricket. Everybody reckoned Dick would make a better soldier than […]

The Camera Never Lies

Issue Number: 5650

His Tommy gun spitting a deadly hail of lead, Major Sam Fowler fought a glorious action through the shell-torn battlefields of France to the retreat at Dunkirk, earning himself a Victoria Cross for his acts of bravery. Hailed as a credit to his regiment and his country, Fowler settled down to a life as a […]

Death in the Desert

Issue Number: 5648

When Lieutenant Neil Andrews found himself press‑ganged into the bunch of ruffians known as “Portland’s Pirates”, his welcome wasn’t a happy one. As the brutal Sergeant Nick Kearney said, “This ain’t no Boy Scout troop. There’s just one way to get out of our mob, and that’s feet‑first!” Yes, being one of Portland’s Pirates could […]

Fire in the Forest

Issue Number: 5646

They called themselves Werewolves. They dressed all in black and operated only at night, in the forests of southern Germany. Riding powerful motorcycles, they swept into British camps and fuel dumps, killing, wrecking and burning, then vanished. Where did these devils of the dark come from and where would they start the next fire in […]

Tiger, Tiger!

Issue Number: 5618

When young Horace Harper was at school the newspapers had headlines about him… ‘Boy Defeats Tiger!’, ‘Schoolboy’s Amazing Courage!’ and so on. It was only a few years later that Horace had his courage tested again, by another tiger. But this time it had a capital ‘T’ –the dreaded Tiger Mark VI tank.   Story: […]