Tag Archives: Carrion

Someone Must Lead

Issue Number: 5842

Cut off from their unit by the Japanese and in company with a leaderless group of Gurkhas, two British soldiers had to decide which of them would take command. Should it be Private Herbie Green, a seasoned veteran and the company scout, or Private Bob Chandler, a newcomer to the jungle? The choice seemed obvious, […]

Tiger, Tiger!

Issue Number: 5618

When young Horace Harper was at school the newspapers had headlines about him… ‘Boy Defeats Tiger!’, ‘Schoolboy’s Amazing Courage!’ and so on. It was only a few years later that Horace had his courage tested again, by another tiger. But this time it had a capital ‘T’ –the dreaded Tiger Mark VI tank.   Story: […]

The Special Squad

Issue Number: 5570

Dedicated, tough, and invincible — that was the “Special Squad”. Made up of the elite of the British forces, this band of heroes worked behind enemy lines striking at the heart of the foe. Mark Butcher was their latest recruit. Young, strong, and cool-headed, he had one skill the others didn’t have, a knowledge of […]

Cowards Always Run

Issue Number: 5378

War had washed over the French village of Rethcourt like tides. The locals had learned to live with them and to look forward to the peace which followed in their wake. But for three Frenchmen in particular, peace seemed destined never to come. Their secret war raged on as they fought with the memory of […]

Hold the Bridge!

Issue Number: 5358

These were Captain Robert Sutton’s orders as he and his men parachuted into enemy‑held territory in Algeria. It was a race against time, for the Nazis were equally determined to destroy the bridge. Luck went against the British paratroops. Firstly they had been forced to fight all the way, and now when it seemed they […]