Tag Archives: Blasco


Issue Number: 5834

Dave Gardner wanted to be a soldier. He had always dreamed of carrying on the military tradition of his family by going into battle. However, when you’re small and thin, and you can’t see very well, it isn’t so easy. But even so, Dave was going to get his chance!   Story: Garbutt Art: Blasco […]

Winners Losers

Issue Number: 5802

Karl Von Hessler always had to win. A trophy held aloft or medal on his chest were prizes worth any sacrifice. His brother Ulrich had different rules. During the First World War, he’d sickened of the killing and vowed never to wear a uniform again. Instead, he’d turned to medicine and the fight against death. […]

Some Kind of Hero

Issue Number: 5774

In a desperate race against time, Arnold Ragley dragged the unconscious driver from the burning truck and began stumbling to safety with him. Why the hurry? Because he knew that the truck was filled with high explosive! It was a heroic action… which was strange, because Arnold Ragley had never been a hero and never […]

Fire in the Forest

Issue Number: 5646

They called themselves Werewolves. They dressed all in black and operated only at night, in the forests of southern Germany. Riding powerful motorcycles, they swept into British camps and fuel dumps, killing, wrecking and burning, then vanished. Where did these devils of the dark come from and where would they start the next fire in […]

The Strongpoint

Issue Number: 5558

The target: three big guns in huge concrete bunkers surrounded by machine guns, barbed wire, and mines. They could cut the Allied invasion forces to shreds on the beaches unless they were spiked. The attackers: a bunch of raw soldiers barely out of school. Could the youngsters do it? You can bet they were going […]