Tag Archives: Anthony Knowles

The Last Nazis

Issue Number: 5222

The Nazi dream was shattered, broken and splintered between the forces of the Allies. And yet some diehards would still not admit defeat. Somehow, somewhere they were certain that the sinister swastika would rule again. Which was why a group of them set sail on a war-weary U-boat as the ruins of Germany blazed. And […]

Fools’ Gold

Issue Number: 5110

Only a fool would go in search of hidden treasure as terrible tank and infantry battles raged all around. Yes, war had seized North Africa, but still the lure of untold wealth had taken its grip. What had made it even more difficult to understand was that more than one desperate man was searching for […]

Soldiers for Hire

Issue Number: 5106

There was no turning back for Joe Lane and Ian Benson. Fugitives from the British Army because of a moment of madness, they fled to Europe. It was 1936, and in Spain a savage civil war was raging. What better way to hide from justice than as hired soldiers in a foreign war? But they […]