Tag Archives: Allan

The Hero Was A Fake

Issue Number: 5633

Bill Drummond, a British Army lieutenant, looked in dismay at the cringing figure crouching in the corner of the cellar, fear haunting his nervous, flickering eyes. Bill found it hard to believe that this was the same man who’d saved his life only weeks before. But then he didn’t know the full story of this […]

Deadly Rendezvous

Issue Number: 5572

Lieutenant Ken Miller and Sergeant Bill Blunden had a most important mission — to give the Germans as much information about the Allied invasion of Europe as possible. Heading into enemy-occupied France on a foggy night in May 1944, the pair had a date with danger to keep. How could they know what lay ahead? […]

Hitler’s Double

Issue Number: 5560

On Monday, April 30th, 1945, Adolf Hitler the Nazi tyrant and warlord died in his concrete shelter deep under Berlin. At least, most people believed that. But one man who didn’t was Commando Sergeant Joe Dawson. For Joe and his men claim they kidnapped Hitler in Poland and started to smuggle him across Europe towards […]

The Fugitives

Issue Number: 5528

On and on, over the endless desert wastes went the thirteen desperate Nazis and their two prisoners, Lieutenant Steve Roland and Brigadier Alan Warren. Normally, a German patrol with two captive British officers would have made for their HQ at top speed. But not these Germans!   Neither Steve nor Warren had the slightest idea […]

Swamp of Terror

Issue Number: 5484

The Nazis defending the town of Gelsenfeld reckoned they were sitting pretty. A treacherous swamp round one side of the town forced the Allies to advance from only one direction —and they had that direction covered by a line of machine‑gun nests. They boasted they could beat off any attack. But they didn’t know they […]

The Long Walk

Issue Number: 5480

A major general and three brigadiers —that’s enough top brass to keep four regiments polishing their buttons for months. Normally you don’t find officers of that rank anywhere near the front line, but once in the North African Desert, these four VIPs ventured forth —and soon found themselves stranded with Germans all around. Their escape […]

Tank Tamer

Issue Number: 5464

The British troops crouched low in their trenches as the machine gun bullets and shells erupted all around them on that bare Italian mountain. And nearer and nearer came the massive Nazi tank that was doing all the damage. So the word went out —“Find Sergeant Dave Taylor. He’ll fix ‘em.” For Dave was the […]

Death Patrol

Issue Number: 5436

Lieutenant Bob Hanson woke up, instantly alert, as the strong beam of an electric torch illuminated the dark corners of the cave he was sheltering in. Then he relaxed when he saw the men at the cave mouth were kitted out in British paratrooper uniform. Bob knew these men were amongst the finest, highly‑trained soldiers […]