
Convoy Patrol

Issue Number: 5374

Fairey Swordfish flew and fought from many dangerous places during the war, but the most risky of all were the tiny aircraft carriers converted from merchant ships. That’s where Lieutenant Paul Drayton of the Fleet Air Arm found himself, and as if the Focke-Wulf Kondors and the weather weren’t enough to contend with, he was […]

Lone Wolf

Issue Number: 5343

U-1215’s Kommandant Josef Jewinski knew there was a traitor in his crew — a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Diving deeper into the Atlantic, the water and paranoia threatened to crush Josef. He had heard the word “mutiny” whispered by men sworn to his command. Now there is blood on his hands, but can he find the […]

Action Stations!

Issue Number: 5304

Attacked from below, from the surface, from the air — the corvette Nimbus had a rough time on the winter convoy in the North Atlantic. Ned Black was just a young sub-lieutenant on that little ship. He didn’t know he was going to finish up commander of a vitally important tanker — and a hero […]

Fog of War

Issue Number: 5297

The last place Private Bill Tasker expected to find himself on his new deployment was at sea — surely that was for the Navy boys? Yet there he was on the top‑secret Blackland Sands sea fort, defending the Thames Estuary from V1 bombs and E-boats. But now it’s thick with fog, he’s lost his pals […]