
The Fighting Cowboys

Issue Number: 5522

Frank Regan was British through and through, so when war broke out, he immediately wanted to join up. The snag was, he was in a South American ranch many thousands of miles away. But he needn’t have worried. Before he could go to war, war came to him —complete with a U-boat full of enemy […]

War of the Roses

Issue Number: 5515

Captain George Rose and Kapitan Zur See Helmut Rose had only two things in common —their rank and their shared last name. But in 1941, the pair was destined to meet in the middle of the Atlantic where the wolfpacks and the greyhounds of the sea clashed indesperate conflict. What was about to be witnessed […]

Find Them, Sink Them!

Issue Number: 5506

Lieutenant Tony Markham stood on the bridge of his Motor Torpedo Boat. In front of him was a twenty‑millimetre cannon, behind him were twin half‑inch machine guns and to each side a twenty‑one inch torpedo. Sounds a lot? Not when the target is a massive enemy tanker in a heavily defended French harbour it’s not! […]

Mighty Midget

Issue Number: 5498

Take one midget submarine less than fifty feet long, only thirty-nine tons in weight and with a crew of just four. To this add a cowardly captain and dangerous mission —to sink an enemy battle-cruiser anchored in a heavily defended river —and you have the recipe for an adventure!   Story: Crowther Art: Nebot Cover: […]

The Tygrys

Issue Number: 5475

The ORP Tygrys, or Tiger, was a Polish submarine outclassed by Poland’s modern subs, but its Commander, Leopold Swirski, was proud of the ship and his crew. Then September 1st, 1939 came, the Tiger bared its teeth and growled at the invading Nazi hordes. The sub fought tooth and nail to protect its homeland but […]

Killers from the Deep

Issue Number: 5451

In the quiet depths of the ocean there lurks an X-craft, the Navy’s midget submarine. From it, sinister figures in black swim silently upwards. In each strong right hand a dagger gleams evilly in the cold, green light. The frog‑men are on their way… Nazi blood is due to be spilled!   Story: Spence Art: […]

Hunters of the Night

Issue Number: 5438

Out of the darkness they came, to strike at the enemy before he knew what was happening. Their radar locked onto the target, the parachute flares were dropped to illuminate their victim in a blinding glare, then down went the bombs. They were the long-range Catalina flying boats, painted dark grey and flown by men […]

The Fiord Fighters

Issue Number: 5434

With their Norwegian homeland occupied by the Germans, Lieutenant Rolf Amundsen and his crew had good reason for wanting to tangle with the enemy as often as possible. Unfortunately, their CO, Lieutenant Commander George Barron, reckoned they were just a bunch of pirates and took every opportunity to dampen their enthusiasm. But when they were […]

Fair Play

Issue Number: 5407

“Prize rules” — the set of maritime laws which require a ship’s crew to send a boarding party to inspect any suspicious merchant vessels. If the merchant ship was found to be carrying cargo bound for the enemy, then the submarine was permitted to sink the vessel — after the merchant crew had been put […]