
The Special Squad

Issue Number: 5570

Dedicated, tough, and invincible — that was the “Special Squad”. Made up of the elite of the British forces, this band of heroes worked behind enemy lines striking at the heart of the foe. Mark Butcher was their latest recruit. Young, strong, and cool-headed, he had one skill the others didn’t have, a knowledge of […]

U-Boat Gold

Issue Number: 5569

One morning in autumn, 1944, the fishing boat Serenity set out to sea from Trinidad never to return. Instead, Serenity’s crew are taken hostage by a deadly gang of Kriegsmarine and Royal Navy sailors with one thing on their minds — digging up their stolen gold and fleeing the war to Venezuela. But Serenity is not […]


Issue Number: 5551

The USS Pike is sunk, and survivors Lieutenant Jimmy Hart and his Commander, Ralph Hunter, are now in charge of the Thunderfish —a Tambor Class sub with a formidable reputation. But as they patrol the Pacific waters, Jimmy soon finds he has more problems than the Japanese on his hands! As rumours abound of the […]

Two Men in A Boat… Again

Issue Number: 5545

You may remember a tale of two RAF men, stranded somewhat begrudgingly together, in a boat somewhere in the British Channel after Dunkirk. Well, the nightmare pair are back at it again, lumbered with top-secret intelligence jobs, flying in a stolen Jerry floatplane. Only with these two numskulls, it’s bound not to last long!   […]

Pacific Pirates

Issue Number: 5540

HMS Samson was Lieutenant Commander Roland Bream’s destroyer —small, fast and deadly, the pride of her crew and a credit to the Royal Navy. But when she crossed the path of a Japanese Yamato‑class battleship she had to turn tail and flee, not through cowardice but through sheer self‑preservation. For her Japanese opponent was one […]

Sink the Shokaku!

Issue Number: 5525

A secret, third Shokaku-Class Aircraft Carrier carries eight twin dual-purpose guns, twelve anti-aircraft guns and over seventy-two aircraft —a heck of a threat for the Royal Australian Navy in the South Pacific! But there are two rowdy and tenacious captains who won’t rest until it goes under! A regular couple of Ahabs, this is one […]

The Fighting Cowboys

Issue Number: 5522

Frank Regan was British through and through, so when war broke out, he immediately wanted to join up. The snag was, he was in a South American ranch many thousands of miles away. But he needn’t have worried. Before he could go to war, war came to him —complete with a U-boat full of enemy […]

War of the Roses

Issue Number: 5515

Captain George Rose and Kapitan Zur See Helmut Rose had only two things in common —their rank and their shared last name. But in 1941, the pair was destined to meet in the middle of the Atlantic where the wolfpacks and the greyhounds of the sea clashed indesperate conflict. What was about to be witnessed […]

Find Them, Sink Them!

Issue Number: 5506

Lieutenant Tony Markham stood on the bridge of his Motor Torpedo Boat. In front of him was a twenty‑millimetre cannon, behind him were twin half‑inch machine guns and to each side a twenty‑one inch torpedo. Sounds a lot? Not when the target is a massive enemy tanker in a heavily defended French harbour it’s not! […]