The Collection

Attention, troops! Here’s where you’ll find out the intel on Commando. The Collection features classic cover images and information about the books, their time periods, settings and the creators involved. Perhaps your favourite artist has drawn the cover or the interior illustrations? We hope you enjoy searching through these special Intelligence files.


Issue Number: 4814
Past Crimes

When Captain Rod Tyler was sent to the war in Indo-China as a British observer with French forces, he found himself with the losing side in a savage guerrilla-style conflict. Not only that, he became piggy-in-the-middle between a bull-headed Foreign Legion officer and an alleged Nazi war criminal! Just what had he let himself in […]


Issue Number: 4813
Ramsey's Raiders

They were a motley bunch – two Scotsmen, one Englishman, one Welshman, one Irishman and an Australian. Led by the unconventional Captain James Ramsey, they were known as the Special Raiding Force, and their job was to operate behind enemy lines in North Africa. They wrote their own rules, and their specially armed jeeps packed […]


Issue Number: 4812
Sky Tiger

He led his squadron into the thick of the fiercest dogfights – and yet he always came back without a scratch. He took fantastic risks, for he seemed to bear a charmed life. They called him “Lucky” Lane, but even his own men came to hate and fear the young Squadron Leader, because they knew […]


Issue Number: 4811
Fighting Frank

While London stood stolidly in the face of relentless Luftwaffe bombing attacks, petty criminal and expert safe-breaker Frank Raymond was on the run. He only stopped running when he enlisted in the Army. Though Frank had joined up as a last-ditch, desperate attempt to save his life, he’d actually found his calling. He even went […]


Issue Number: 4809
The Danger Zone

They were very different, were Lieutenants Gregor MacBeth and Adam Wiley. Gregor was an action man, a fearless Commando, ever in danger’s way. Adam was a thinker, an intelligence man with an eye for detail that made him a priceless asset behind the scenes. Then, one fateful night, Adam landed in danger the like of […]


Issue Number: 4808
Gurkhas To The Rescue

A figure moved silently in the darkness of the jungle clearing…then another – and moments later two sentries fell unconscious without a sound. Swiftly the intruders stepped over the inert bodies and through the door of the now unguarded hut. But these attackers wore the same uniform as the sentries and they were in the […]


Issue Number: 4807
The Eagles Ride

In the late 1700s, Ensign Francis Allingham, of the Wessex Dragoons, and his friend, junior naval Lieutenant John Harker, joined forces to help rescue French aristocrats from the “Reign of Terror” – a dark period in history when the rulers of the new republic executed any who stood against them. Despite the risks, Francis’ special […]


Issue Number: 4806
Secret Of The Alps

All it took was one shot from a flare pistol to bring the entire German armoured column to a chaotic standstill. There was no shock wave, no heat blast…just a silent explosion of brilliant light that blinded every pair of eyes within a mile. Even inside tanks there was no protection from this unearthly glare, […]


Issue Number: 4805
Brothers In Danger

Canadian sniper Michel Caron had been recruited by Gabe Dubois, his adopted brother, for a special mission that required expert, high-precision shooting. In the bombed-out ruins of Caen in Northern France, death lurked in every shadow – and the brothers soon realised that both of them would have to be ready to sacrifice anything, even […]