The Collection

Attention, troops! Here’s where you’ll find out the intel on Commando. The Collection features classic cover images and information about the books, their time periods, settings and the creators involved. Perhaps your favourite artist has drawn the cover or the interior illustrations? We hope you enjoy searching through these special Intelligence files.

Press Gang

Issue Number: 4974
Press Gang, cover by Ian Kennedy

Front-line action from the London blitz right through to the final American triumph against the Japanese in the Pacific. Not bad for a man invalided out of the R.A.F. in 1940 and not even in the fighting forces. But then R.D. Jones was a press photographer and he and his mate Tommy Vidler were a […]

Mountie Hunter

Issue Number: 4973
Mountie Hunter, cover by Janek Matysiak

Mounties Drew Fraser and Ross McKinley were partners and best friends. But when Drew enlisted in the Canadian Army, Ross was left behind. However, Mountie life was far from quiet for Ross as the destruction of the war in Europe had extended its deathly claw all the way to Canada. Trains and supply lines were […]

Stringbag Ace

Issue Number: 4972
Stringbag Ace, cover by Ken Barr

They said H.M.S. Adventurer was a haunted ship; haunted by a shadowy figure bent on sending the carrier to the bottom with all her planes and crew. Mystery lights flashed at night to guide enemy bombers to her. Men were struck down in shadowy corners and never knew what hit them. Guns jammed, planes blew […]

Island of Last Hope

Issue Number: 4971
Island of Last Hope, cover by Ian Kennedy

In 1938, Germany invaded Poland…but Poland did not give in without a fight. Captain Micha Polanski and the Polish Air Force fought valiantly against the might of the Luftwaffe. But when his brother was slaughtered, Micha swore vengeance against the plane that cut him down, the plane that bore the symbol of a Black Eagle […]


Issue Number: 4970
The Diamond Smugglers, cover by Ian Kennedy

When you want an agent to penetrate an enemy-occupied country and stay free long enough to do a tricky job, you need someone who’s used to getting around without attracting attention. Who better than a man who smuggled diamonds in and out of that very country for years? But there’s a difference between peace-time and […]


Issue Number: 4969
Yuri: On the Run, cover by Manuel Benet

Yuri Murayev, ex-Spetznaz Commando, thought that his troubles were behind him. But he hadn’t reckoned on Anatoly Speck, the sinister Russian billionaire who had made it his business to destroy the former commando. Framed for murder, and on the run, Yuri finds himself in a deadly cat and mouse game, wanted by both the Russian […]


Issue Number: 4968
Hoodoo Ship, cover by Ken Barr

At long last, Sub-lieutenant Roy Palmer and merchant captain Brian Miller had found the island supply base from which U-boat packs slipped anchor to attack Allied convoys in the South Atlantic. But, only after they’d been adrift for days with two boatloads of tired, unarmed men. They didn’t even have a radio to pass on […]


Issue Number: 4967
Goulash Grenadiers, cover by Keith Page

Wrong time, wrong place and wrong soldiers. Mistaken for S.A.S., Abe, Cyril and Mike were in trouble. Being captured behind enemy lines was a nightmare for any British Soldier. But these men weren’t just any kind of soldiers…they were cooks. Pressed working alongside Wehrmacht cooks, Abe, Cyril and Mike were left in a sticky situation. […]


Issue Number: 4966
The Invaders - Cover by Ian Kennedy

More than two thousand years before, the Roman legions had marched into North Africa as invaders, as conquerors. In the twentieth century the soldiers of Italy returned again, and among them was one man who thought himself the equal of the ancient emperors. But he was wrong, for the ancient Romans got the better of […]


Issue Number: 4965
Black Sun Squadron - cover by Carlos Pino

Squadron Leader Marko Vida was a talented and fiercely fascist pilot. Backed by the Nazis, Vida and his Black Sun Squadron dominated the skies over Croatia… …Or so they thought. A Partisan Air Force made up of old, stolen fighters and led by Flight Officer Zlatan Pavic and Flying Officer Petar Milic would not hand […]