The Collection

Attention, troops! Here’s where you’ll find out the intel on Commando. The Collection features classic cover images and information about the books, their time periods, settings and the creators involved. Perhaps your favourite artist has drawn the cover or the interior illustrations? We hope you enjoy searching through these special Intelligence files.


Issue Number: 4954
Deadly Triangle

Shooting up unsuspecting British trucks in a captured Hurricane was just one of the dirty tricks played by Erich von Werner — a pilot hated by his own men as much as by the British. The feeling was mutual, particularly for Luftwaffe pilot Carl Lutz and Ted Bull of the R.A.F. — two men linked […]


Issue Number: 4953
For The White Eagle!

The Order of the White Eagle was Poland’s highest military decoration. Captain Janusz Libarcki wore his medal with pride as he fought the Red Army and the Germans during World War II, even though he eventually became a prisoner-of-war. However, when Germany turned against her Russian allies, Polish prisoners such as Janusz and his lieutenant, […]


Issue Number: 4952
Atlantic Killer

A swift trail of bubbles — if you see it and a roar like a thousand express trains crashing — if you hear it. That’s all the warning you get when a torpedo hits home. Lieutenant Commander Dave Miller lost his destroyer just like that to Kapitan Karl von Sturm, top Nazi U-Boat ace known […]


Issue Number: 4951
Battle of the Black Crow

The Black Crow was a pirate ship, sailing the seas south of Cuba and tussling with Navy vessels from many different countries. Two young crewmen, Flinn Scott and Charlie Reeves, longed to jump ship — as they missed their Scottish homeland so much. However, soon came the chance to get their hands on some treasure […]


Issue Number: 4949
Flying Feud

As a tail gunner on an Avro Lancaster bomber, Sergeant Lex Duffield was used to danger in the sky. However, more even danger soon appeared in the unlikely form of a fellow Lanc rear gunner — the reckless and short-tempered Sergeant Tommy Deakin — and inevitably they clashed. Fate soon intervened and they faced a […]


Issue Number: 4948
The Golden Gun

A real hero’s gun. A Colt .45, the long barrel gleaming with gold plate, cunningly engraved. The butt of ivory, the whole weapon as perfectly balanced as a bird and on a hair trigger. Many a time cowboy film star Brad Landon had got himself out of a movie tight corner with a lightning draw […]


Issue Number: 4947
The Experts

Lieutenant Doug MacKay was a non-nonsense agent of the Special Operations Executive — used to doing things by the book. When tasked with uncovering vital intelligence plans from a Nazi safe deep behind enemy lines, the unyielding operator did not expect to be paired with Private Alex Drake, a former criminal but an expert safecracker. […]


Issue Number: 4946
Coward In Khaki

Men’s characters don’t often change. If a man’s a crook in civilian life, he’ll probably be a crook in the army. That’s how it was with Vic Wardley. Everyone knew him to be a crook — and a coward as well. So why would an Intelligence Corps major single him out for a vital job […]


Issue Number: 4945

Troubled by a past encounter early in his career, Royal Navy Lieutenant Commander Alec Weston soon became a respected, if intense, skipper. He was determined that his submarine, H.M.S. Undefeated, would live up to her name — therefore he pushed his crew and the vessel hard. When ferrying a Special Boat Section assault team on […]