The Collection

Attention, troops! Here’s where you’ll find out the intel on Commando. The Collection features classic cover images and information about the books, their time periods, settings and the creators involved. Perhaps your favourite artist has drawn the cover or the interior illustrations? We hope you enjoy searching through these special Intelligence files.

The Crew

Issue Number: 5063

Lieutenant Frank Temple yearned for his own command. He had already served four years aboard the frigate H.M.S. Eagleton, so he was delighted when he was assigned a boat in the Mediterranean sector. Frank had been branded a maverick because of his outlandish opinions on maritime warfare, but now armed with his new Fairmile ‘C’ […]

Fenshire Silver

Issue Number: 5061

Private Harry Clark was a respected member of the Fenshire Regiment. Although he was a member of the elite class, he turned down a commission in order to serve among the ranks of the ordinary men, and his best mate, Joe Reagan. Their platoon leader, Lieutenant Adrian Seacombe, on the other hand, cared about one […]

The Fighting Few

Issue Number: 5060

Squadron Leader Connor was a man who couldn’t be trusted. Every time he and his men flew into battle, he pulled some stupid stunt that cost a young pilot’s life. But what could his men do? The top brass would never believe the stories of Connor’s stupidity. So Flying Officer Gavin Roberts took the law […]

Target: Armageddon

Issue Number: 5059

After six long years of struggle, Germany finally surrendered in 1945. But for U-Boat Kriegsmarine Kapitan Heinrich Kessler, this was a cowardly betrayal of everything he believed in. He hid his submarine in South America, vowing never to surrender it to the enemy. Then, nearly twenty years later, Kessler had had enough. Germany was split […]

Escape Line

Issue Number: 5058

The way to safety for the fighting men trying to escape the Nazis lay over the high Pyrenees. But for one group there was an added danger – they couldn’t be sure that their mountain guide… the man their lives depended on… wasn’t a traitor in the pay of the enemy! Story: Alan Hemus Art: Garijo Cover: […]

Jungle Heat

Issue Number: 5057

R.A.A.F pilots Dave Keating and Roger Smith hated each other to distraction, often putting their petty squabbles before their duty and their crew. But when their Catalina crashes into the jungle of Japanese occupied Papua New Guinea, the survivors radio for help. Two days, they are told. Two days until back-up will arrive. Two days […]

Falsely Accused!

Issue Number: 5055

During the chaos of the Dunkirk retreat, units were scattered under fire from German aircraft. Many soldiers were left alone, separated from their squadrons. Some took this opportunity to scavenge valuables. So, when Private Bill Wilson wandered alone into a ruined French village with a bag of looted treasure, Sergeant Thomson did not believe Bill’s […]