The Collection

Attention, troops! Here’s where you’ll find out the intel on Commando. The Collection features classic cover images and information about the books, their time periods, settings and the creators involved. Perhaps your favourite artist has drawn the cover or the interior illustrations? We hope you enjoy searching through these special Intelligence files.

The Last Men at Dunkirk

Issue Number: 5163

Sergeant Ronnie Malloy stood alone on the French pier looking out towards the sea. The beach was deserted bar the smoking husks of discarded British trucks. The lines of men desperate to clamber aboard the ships bound for Blighty were all gone and the place was silent except for the quiet ebb of the tide. In […]

Clip His Wings!

Issue Number: 5162

Bill Thornton was a spotter pilot, working as the eyes of the artillery, and for the military planners masterminding the advance across France towards Germany in the closing stages of the war. So take away his plane, clip his wings, and he would be almost useless? No, not Bill. He was looking for the first […]

Danger on the Rocks

Issue Number: 5161

After the illuminating events in ‘Danger in the Dark’, Ulysses “Danger” Doyle was delighted to hear that the head of secret intelligence office “Omega”, Basil Copper, would be joining himself and Ned Finch personally on their next mission. But as Danger flew through the air on an ancient rope ladder, dangling precariously over an unexploded […]

Bogus Yanks

Issue Number: 5160

“ACHTUNG! Wanted, for Top Secret mission behind enemy lines, men who can speak English with a strong American accent, expert in all types of weapons and unarmed combat. Tough, reliable, ruthless.” That notice went round all the crack German Army units. The Nazis got their volunteers, just a handful. They dressed that handful in Yankee […]

Target: Churchill

Issue Number: 5159

In 1605, Guy Fawkes and his co-conspirators crept into the cellars under Parliament with a plot to blow up the British government. More than three hundred years later, in 1943, a group of German spies led by the fanatic Hauptmann Harald Stein had the same idea. Following Guy Fawkes’ example, their plan was to blow […]

Agents at War

Issue Number: 5157

SS Standartenfuhrer Rudi Reinstein smiled to himself, thinking he had just duped a dumb American into being a spy for the Nazi cause. But as he reached into his unusually light briefcase and found underwear in the place of his important Nazi documents, he realised it was him who had been duped! And so the […]


Issue Number: 5156

Stan Turner of Air-sea rescue had a really dicey job, snatching ditched pilots from the hungry English Channel… sometimes under the very muzzles of the guns on the enemy coast. Then there was always the dangerous trip back to base, dodging shells and bullets as the launch leapt over the waves to bring its precious […]