Hunt That Gun!

Weighing 218 tons, the Wehrmacht’s K5 railway guns could fire a shell almost forty miles. Aircraft and heavy guns could knock them out, but first they had to be found. Story: Alan Hemus Art: Gordon C Livingstone Cover: Ian Kennedy
Weighing 218 tons, the Wehrmacht’s K5 railway guns could fire a shell almost forty miles. Aircraft and heavy guns could knock them out, but first they had to be found. Story: Alan Hemus Art: Gordon C Livingstone Cover: Ian Kennedy
It’s May 1940 and Allied forces are being pushed by the Fuhrer’s advance towards the beaches at Dunkirk. The embittered Sergeant Formby must safely guide the remains of his squad towards Blighty, but Private Lawrence “Lanky” Leonard is missing… Will Formby leave the man behind to save his remaining troops? A French bicycle, a slingshot, […]
If there was one thing Nicky Quinn didn’t fancy it was the army. Nicky was a jazz trumpeter and when he and his musicians were called up, he made every effort to stay out of the war. But he wasn’t reckoning on Sergeant Major Jake Bradley – and Bradley had a way of making men […]
The epic conclusion to one man’s journey across Europe to join the fight and finally get revenge against the Nazis in World War II. Grigor, Stefan’s one connection to his home, and most loyal friend, is dead. He was shot down by the evil Gestapo agent Hans Keller. But who will get revenge first: the […]
The past was about to catch up with Sergeant Ted Lewis as he led his platoon into the ruins of Germany in the closing months of the war. It wasn’t a past he was proud of, but he had more than made up for it with his courage and leadership. Yet even all that still […]
It’s 1942. The events of Pearl Harbor have catapulted the US into the war and Tech Sergeant Frank Lewis remembers the carnage like it was yesterday. Now, the solo Wildcat maverick has been assigned to a new unit, but all is not well with his new posting and Frank’s suitability as a pilot is being […]
Hitler’s latest secret weapon, the lightning-fast Messerschmitt 262 jets were unmatched by the Allies in speed. So the RAF had to go down and nail this menace for good, the hard way – on the ground. But to dive your Tempest right inside a hangar full of a dozen jets and drop your bombs – […]
Stefan and Grigor have trekked and sailed across Europe to join the war against the men who invaded their homeland. But when they finally reached France, those who opposed the German Army had either surrendered or were in retreat. Stefan and Grigor didn’t need an army to get their revenge, they would find their own […]
To walk down the street back home and be ignored or insulted isn’t pleasant. But that’s what happened to Lieutenant Phil Wilson – all because a senior officer had lied about Phil’s part in a skirmish out in Italy during the Second World War. For a while, Phil took it very badly, feeling like a […]
The Nazi fist squeezed the French people tight in 1941. Their oppressive occupation was absolute, and their gluttonous fingers coveted their bloodstained loot: their filthy stolen gold. But those greedy men were about to find out that their reign in France was not untouchable, and neither was their red gold! Story: George Low Art: […]
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