The Collection

Attention, troops! Here’s where you’ll find out the intel on Commando. The Collection features classic cover images and information about the books, their time periods, settings and the creators involved. Perhaps your favourite artist has drawn the cover or the interior illustrations? We hope you enjoy searching through these special Intelligence files.

Guardians of War Grave

Issue Number: 5223

In 1990, the HMS Ulmo glided through the cold waters of the North Atlantic. Its lights probing the dark, foggy night, searching… Beneath the hulking giant lay something old and long forgotten. But someone on board the Ulmo knew its secrets…   Story: Dominic Teague Art: Vincente Alcazar Cover: Neil Roberts

The Last Nazis

Issue Number: 5222

The Nazi dream was shattered, broken and splintered between the forces of the Allies. And yet some diehards would still not admit defeat. Somehow, somewhere they were certain that the sinister swastika would rule again. Which was why a group of them set sail on a war-weary U-boat as the ruins of Germany blazed. And […]

Hellfire Pass

Issue Number: 5221

Trapped in the confines of the  Selarang Barracks, Sergeant Pete Mellion couldn’t be further away from his turbulent past – that is until his old nemesis, Lieutenant Reg Williams, is assigned the same work detail building the Thai-Burma Railway. Slaving away in the intense heat of the jungle, can these two foes put aside their […]

To Wear The Uniform

Issue Number: 5219

In 1935 anti-Semitism became law in Germany, and Jakob Rosenbaum and his family quickly made their escape. Determined to find revenge for the loss of his homeland, he enlists with the British Army – but convincing his new allies that he can be trusted is no cakewalk. Trapped between enemy and Allied lines, Jakob must […]

Suicide Squad

Issue Number: 5216

Every operation that Lieutenant Don Lockton sent his platoon into became a disaster. They were flung back with heavy casualties; they blundered into unknown minefields. Everything that could go wrong did, until some of the old hands began to reckon he was sending them to their deaths. So Don made up his mind that if […]