The Collection

Attention, troops! Here’s where you’ll find out the intel on Commando. The Collection features classic cover images and information about the books, their time periods, settings and the creators involved. Perhaps your favourite artist has drawn the cover or the interior illustrations? We hope you enjoy searching through these special Intelligence files.

Burma Nightmare

Issue Number: 5243

Jungle warfare is no picnic, and for tankies trained to desert conditions it’s even worse! Sergeant Vince Roberts and his crew find themselves deployed to dank, dense, malaria-infested jungle with only their wits to guide them, but something else is interfering. As Vince’s mind begins to crack, can he hold it together? Or will he […]

Steel Inferno

Issue Number: 5241

Uxton was a prime target. It was home to one of the largest filling stations in Britain, which sent train upon train laden with munitions to the front lines. This, and its sleepy small‑town defence, made it a tasty looking objective for German sabotage. The only thing standing in the Nazi operatives’ way was two […]

Ramsey’s Raiders: Off the Rails

Issue Number: 5237

Ramsey’s Raiders have a train to catch! Only this train is mounted with deadly 88mm cannons that are pounding the British lines! But with Captain Jimmy Ramsey out of action and Sergeant Derek Jarvis second‑guessing their every move, will Lieutenant Tex Hall lead the Raiders to victory…or will their mission go off the rails?!   […]