The Collection

Attention, troops! Here’s where you’ll find out the intel on Commando. The Collection features classic cover images and information about the books, their time periods, settings and the creators involved. Perhaps your favourite artist has drawn the cover or the interior illustrations? We hope you enjoy searching through these special Intelligence files.

Ramsey’s Raiders: Off the Rails

Issue Number: 5237

Ramsey’s Raiders have a train to catch! Only this train is mounted with deadly 88mm cannons that are pounding the British lines! But with Captain Jimmy Ramsey out of action and Sergeant Derek Jarvis second‑guessing their every move, will Lieutenant Tex Hall lead the Raiders to victory…or will their mission go off the rails?!   […]

Dead by Dawn

Issue Number: 5233

They called Operation Aubery one of the finest and most spectacular exploits of the Royal Marine Commandos, but it wasn’t all smooth sailing. Every day the sun rose with more blood and battling, each Commando uncertain that they would see another dawn.   Story: Kate Dewar Art: Manuel Benet Cover: Manuel Benet

Big Joe

Issue Number: 5232

“Battling Barton”, British heavyweight champ, became Sergeant Joe Barton by the time D-Day dawned. No-one got ahead of Joe when the great advance started. By boot, gun, and rock-hard fist, Joe smashed his way across Europe, searching for one cruel Nazi who’d once tricked and beaten him in the ring – SS Captain Kurt Kleiner. […]

First Men Ashore

Issue Number: 5231

At the Dunkirk Evacuation, Sergeant Ronnie Malloy had saved the lives of two young privates – one a solid soldier, the other full of fear and doubt. Four years and two sets of stripes later, the trio are reunited in training for the greatest push towards the liberation of Europe: Operation Overlord. The young sappers […]

“Squadron – Scramble!”

Issue Number: 5230

All that stood between Britain and defeat by the Luftwaffe in the high summer of 1940, were the brave young pilots of RAF Fighter Command. They could be expected to fly several sorties a day and had to be ready for take off at a moment’s notice, constantly on the alert for that stomach‑churning call […]

Shadow in the Storm!

Issue Number: 5229

Veins of burning light burst through the storm, rupturing the sky. A flash of electricity streaked across the front of a Spitfire. The Air Transport Auxiliary pilot inside called out as they looked upwards at the shape lunging towards them… and then it was gone. The lightning sky crackled again, illuminating the black aircraft. Then, […]