The Collection

Attention, troops! Here’s where you’ll find out the intel on Commando. The Collection features classic cover images and information about the books, their time periods, settings and the creators involved. Perhaps your favourite artist has drawn the cover or the interior illustrations? We hope you enjoy searching through these special Intelligence files.

Coward’s Battle

The German troops rushed into view just as the Fairey Battle was taking off. Immediately they fired at the aircraft, desperate to prevent its escape. With bullets flying all around him, this would be the supreme test of the pilot’s nerve… but the man behind the controls was a self-confessed coward who had run from […]

Fog of War

Issue Number: 5297

The last place Private Bill Tasker expected to find himself on his new deployment was at sea — surely that was for the Navy boys? Yet there he was on the top‑secret Blackland Sands sea fort, defending the Thames Estuary from V1 bombs and E-boats. But now it’s thick with fog, he’s lost his pals […]

Ramree Massacre

Issue Number: 5295

Nearly one thousand men went into the mangrove swamps on Ramree Island — but how many would make it out? Everything on Ramree wanted the Japanese garrison dead. British soldiers, Indian soldiers, tropical diseases, poisonous spiders, deadly pythons, and, most terrifying of all, saltwater crocodiles!   Story: Kate Dewar Art: Vicente Alcazar Cover: Neil Roberts


Issue Number: 5294

For every man who fought there, the Eastern Front was a living nightmare, a place of fear and horror where the cruel winters could kill just as effectively as an enemy bullet. For Hans Mayer, it was a chilling change from his time in the French Foreign Legion, fighting under a hot sun against ill-armed […]

The Peregrine Falcons

Issue Number: 5293

In mid-1944, Hitler launched his vengeance weapons. These evil V-1 rockets struck at the heart of Britain’s cities, killing innocent people in their thousands. But Hitler wasn’t going to have it all his way, as his V-1 rockets began being caught in the talons of a squadron known as the Peregrine Falcons — experts in […]