The Collection

Attention, troops! Here’s where you’ll find out the intel on Commando. The Collection features classic cover images and information about the books, their time periods, settings and the creators involved. Perhaps your favourite artist has drawn the cover or the interior illustrations? We hope you enjoy searching through these special Intelligence files.

Lone Eagle

Issue Number: 5324

“Ginger” Stubbs was a cheeky little cockney sergeant pilot whose Hurricane was brought down inside the besieged fortress of Tobruk. Any other pilot would’ve flown right out again after repairs, but not Ginger. The Desert Rats of Tobruk were in trouble, so Ginger and his hard-hitting Hurricane decided to stick around and fight — and […]

Across The Fence

Issue Number: 5323

Deep in the Vietnamese jungle, pilot Jake Clancy is lost and running for his life — but Australian SAS Sergeant Jack Walker and his team are moving in, ready to pluck him from the jaws of the Viet Cong. The Australians’ prowess earned them the nickname the “Ghosts of the Jungle”, and it was a […]


Issue Number: 5321

They called them the Coward Brigade, those who dared object to war. Counting their white feathers, they were the conscientious objectors, but they were everything but cowards. The Non-Combatant Corps faced every danger the Army did on the Western Front, with one exception — the NCC weren’t armed to defend themselves. They only had their […]

Out of the Woods

Issue Number: 5319

In 1915, Germany unleashed their first horrific gas attack on the war-torn landscape of Belgium. It was a devastating blow on the French and Algerian forces in Kitcheners’ Wood. Caught in the deadly cloud was young Canadian, Harry MacDonald, and his twin Tom. Watching his brother gasp for air, Harry fought within himself — should […]

Catalina Sunrise

Issue Number: 5317

Bill Mitchell has always been a stubborn soul, so when he leaves the farm to join the RAAF, his father knows better than to stand in his way. But when a sinister Luftwaffe pilot shoots down his friend, Bill’s desire for vengeance makes him unpredictable and a danger to his crew.   Story: Brent Towns […]