The Collection

Attention, troops! Here’s where you’ll find out the intel on Commando. The Collection features classic cover images and information about the books, their time periods, settings and the creators involved. Perhaps your favourite artist has drawn the cover or the interior illustrations? We hope you enjoy searching through these special Intelligence files.

Dodger’s Dunkirk

Issue Number: 5337

The Allied armies were caught napping in May 1940. Flat‑footed, the British Expeditionary Force fought hard to defend what little they could hold on to. Among them was a firebrand named Tom “Dodger” Dodge with a chip on his shoulder the size of an iceberg. He wasn’t about to retreat to Dunkirk for anyone — […]

The Circus Went to War

Issue Number: 5336

On a lone sortie over France, RAF pilot Frank Selby ran into trouble in the shape of two marauding Messerschmitts. Soon he had to bail out — and fast! He landed safely, stood up, dusted himself off — and looked around to see a fully grown lion bounding towards him. This was the moment Frank […]

Durand’s Dunkirk

Issue Number: 5335

May 1940. The French battled like demons to protect their homeland from the raiding Nazi armies. Fighting a desperate defence, they only hoped to hold the Germans back long enough for the evacuation of their allies. For, had it not been for the fighting spirit of men like Regis Durand, the British evacuation at Dunkirk […]

Traitor Planes

Issue Number: 5334

“One of our own kites is shooting at us!” That’s what the tail gunner of Dave Robert’s Lancaster said just before he bailed out of the stricken bomber as it plunged earthwards. Dave couldn’t believe what he’d heard until he and his navigator stumbled upon the truth. But by then they were going to have […]

The Midnight Mob

Issue Number: 5333

After losing his eye at Dunkirk, British Army gunner Jack Wright is demobbed, thanked for his service and sent home. But he won’t let a little thing like that hold him back, and, as quick as you like, he joins a new outfit called the Local Defence Volunteers. Jack’s only bugbear is the lack of […]

Flight from Tomorrow

Issue Number: 5331

In May 1940, the British Expeditionary Force were pushed west by the might of the Nazi Eagle. But they weren’t the only ones on the run… Wounded, Captain Dougal McKerr must get his men back to their regiment and help the mysterious Mary and a group of children get to safety. But dogging them are […]

Intruders Beware!

Issue Number: 5330

The Coastal Command crews flying Mosquitos had to remain ice-cold when they attacked targets in enemy territory, for the ever-present German fighters could bounce them at any time. But Phil Manning’s squadron had another force to be reckoned with. A sinister, ghostly monk had been seen on their home airfield and everyone was convinced that […]