The Collection

Attention, troops! Here’s where you’ll find out the intel on Commando. The Collection features classic cover images and information about the books, their time periods, settings and the creators involved. Perhaps your favourite artist has drawn the cover or the interior illustrations? We hope you enjoy searching through these special Intelligence files.

Daggers Drawn

Issue Number: 5361

Stuck in the freezing Highlands on a training mission, Royal Marines Commando Corporal Moxley hates Reservists. In fact, he and his cronies hate just about everyone. But things quickly turn for Moxley as the troop unexpectedly clash with arms dealers near an abandoned airfield on the Atlantic coast. There are no radios, no phone signal […]

War Crime

Issue Number: 5359

Since he first stepped onto the beach at East Falkland, Marine Kurt Silverton wanted nothing more than to find and impress his cousin, Steven. Steven was the toughest lad in school, nothing phased him! But when Kurt finds him, he’s a shell of his former self. He’s looking over his shoulder, whispering a dark secret […]

Hold the Bridge!

Issue Number: 5358

These were Captain Robert Sutton’s orders as he and his men parachuted into enemy‑held territory in Algeria. It was a race against time, for the Nazis were equally determined to destroy the bridge. Luck went against the British paratroops. Firstly they had been forced to fight all the way, and now when it seemed they […]

Raging Metal

Issue Number: 5357

August 1942. Raging metal burned hot under the scorching desert sun. But a grudge between two Aussie tank commanders boiled even hotter. Sergeant Bob Andrews hated Sergeant Simon Meredith, but when Bob’s tank was knocked for six and he saw Meredith leave him high and dry — his rage exploded fivefold. The coward had abandoned […]

Bullseye Bruno

Issue Number: 5355

Leutnant Matthias Schenk is a fanatic — exactly the kind of Nazi the Luftwaffe need behind their experimental night fighters and radar technology. But as the raids from Denmark progress, a bitter rivalry with fellow pilot, Bruno Neumann, plays on his mind. Old ‘Bullseye Bruno’ never seems to hit the mark, no matter how perfect […]