The Collection

Attention, troops! Here’s where you’ll find out the intel on Commando. The Collection features classic cover images and information about the books, their time periods, settings and the creators involved. Perhaps your favourite artist has drawn the cover or the interior illustrations? We hope you enjoy searching through these special Intelligence files.

The Commando and the Pilot

Issue Number: 5394

Tom Picalli’s boast was that he could fly any type of plane, so it wasn’t long before he was flying Dakotas for the American Air Force. But he wasn’t boasting now, as he flew over enemy‑held Sicily, for Tom had never been so scared in all his life. Flak was bursting all around his aircraft […]

Hand of Tyr

Issue Number: 5393

It’s 1944, and as the Allies crash through France, the Germans are finally forced to retreat. But the Nazi Eagle still hangs on with its iron grip, convinced they will ultimately triumph. Major Slater, Captain Williams and their select team, along with the unscrupulous chaplain Edmund Prosser, must travel into the heart of Germany to […]

Desert Vultures

Issue Number: 5391

You’ve got to be as tough as a vulture if you want to survive the barren North African desert — and Long Range Desert Group Lieutenant Bernard Heaviside was exactly that! His men weren’t the tidiest bunch but they got the job done! But when Heaviside is forced to work with by‑the‑book Free French Army […]

The Jets from Nowhere!

Issue Number: 5390

The Heinkel 162 jet fighter swept in low over the RAF airstrip, strafing the parked Typhoons and anything that moved. By the time the British had recovered, the enemy machines had disappeared. Patrols were sent out, a German airfield was bombed, but still the jets survived. They had to have a base somewhere, and it […]

Code Drop

Issue Number: 5389

Warring siblings Penny and Oliver have parted ways and are soon on opposite sides of the world, doing their bit for the war effort. As Oliver lays waste to Vichy forces in Madagascar with the Commandos, Penny retrieves vital intelligence for the Allies in Normandy. But their fates are inextricably stitched together at the culmination […]

A-Force: Anarchy

Issue Number: 5387

MI7’s top-secret overseas field team are back to take down pirates and mercenaries operating in the Caspian Sea. Moving illegal tech and weaponry, the mercs don’t care who gets hurt — even the Sarovians they’re working with. But what if the people on A-Force are just as expendable?   Story: Ferg Handley Art: Carlos Pino Cover: […]

The Flying Emu

Issue Number: 5385

Estranged twins Teddy and Ernie Sharp followed their own paths in the Great War. Teddy took to the skies while Ernie trained hard with the Australian Imperial Force, determined to make his mark. Then, a chance meeting on the Western Front and Teddy’s untimely death changed Ernie’s life forever, as he abandoned the AIF and […]