The Collection

Attention, troops! Here’s where you’ll find out the intel on Commando. The Collection features classic cover images and information about the books, their time periods, settings and the creators involved. Perhaps your favourite artist has drawn the cover or the interior illustrations? We hope you enjoy searching through these special Intelligence files.

A Fool’s Errand

Issue Number: 5403

Lieutenant Stanley Harvey wasn’t the most experienced officer plodding around the Egyptian desert in 1942. And his young age didn’t really inspire confidence in the rank and file either. So, when Harvey was sent on a useless little task with scruffy Privates Kenny Cheam and Sidney Kerr, he felt like he was being fobbed off. […]

Desert Mystery

Issue Number: 5402

The German officer had been prepared to see a mirage or two in the desert, and he’d expected something along the lines of locals and palm trees. But now he was seeing a giant dinosaur lumbering straight towards him! He couldn’t believe his eyes, but the way the monster snapped its slavering jaws soon convinced […]

Common Foe

Issue Number: 5400

Strange things — very strange things — happen in the desert under the hot blazing sun which saps people’s strength and attacks their minds with savage hammer blows of heat. Take the day, for instance, when British and German soldiers, fierce enemies the previous day, stood shoulder to shoulder, guns blazing, to fight back a […]

Lord of the Vortex

Issue Number: 5399

US Army Nurse Emma Wade was no stranger to wacky adventures but this was a new one… Granted, she hadn’t slept in the thirty hours she’d been at the Anzio beachhead, but it was strange indeed that she found herself tagging along with Rek Starlo, a self-confessed galactic avenger. Stranger still, he was determined to […]

On Silent Wings

Issue Number: 5398

Looping the loop in a huge glider packed full of troops might seem impossible, but it can be done if the pilot is good enough — and desperate enough to take the chance! Sergeant Hugh Miller, the co‑pilot of this glider was certainly desperate enough. His first pilot was wounded and if he didn’t do […]

Cardiff Blitz

Issue Number: 5397

Cardiff, 2nd January, 1941. For over ten hours, the Welsh capital was blitzed by over one hundred German bombers who were determined to turn the city to ruins. On the ground and among the rubble was the Martin family. The father, Charlie, was a firefighter in the AFS and his daughter, Freda, was an Air […]

War Eagle

Issue Number: 5396

Major Roger Saunders, CO of a British Army unit fighting it out high in the Italian mountains against suicidal Germans, was worried. Sergeant Bill Drake, his best NCO, seemed to be going soft in the head. He’d been telling some far-fetched stories of how a savage eagle could hear his thoughts and anything he asked […]