The Collection

Attention, troops! Here’s where you’ll find out the intel on Commando. The Collection features classic cover images and information about the books, their time periods, settings and the creators involved. Perhaps your favourite artist has drawn the cover or the interior illustrations? We hope you enjoy searching through these special Intelligence files.

Tassie Devil

Issue Number: 5423

By April 1941, the Nazis had invaded Greece and were pushing the Allies out. Greek, British and Anzac soldiers all fought back bravely, but they were no match. Evacuation was inevitable, however for one Tasmanian, no man was getting left behind! Sergeant Billy Waugh may not have wanted to be a chauffeur to a General, […]


Issue Number: 5420

Nobody, but nobody, likes a Military Policeman. And when one has been charged with murdering a soldier in a brawl, there’s plenty of witnesses who’ll say they saw it all — whether they did or not! That’s what happened to Sergeant Slasher Gibson, that’s why he was locked up in a military prison with the […]

Five Seconds in ‘Nam

Issue Number: 5419

A lot could happen in five seconds during the Vietnam War. In those few seconds, you could fall in a punji pit, be attacked by a tigress or a viper, get cut off and surrounded by Vietcong fighters, escape an F-100 Super Sabre’s fiery payload, or get to a Huey evac point. Those precious specks […]

The Girls on the Guns

Issue Number: 5417

August 1942. Stalingrad. As a Panzer army headed straight towards the Stalingrad Tractor Factory with foul intent, the only thing that could stop them was the anti-aircraft batteries on the outskirts of the city. The crews were inexperienced, many of them made up of young women barely out of their teens. But for the girls […]

Sands of Death

Issue Number: 5416

Lieutenant Harry Brent was a man with a mission.  He had been chosen by British Intelligence to go into the desert and convince the local tribesmen to fight alongside the British — and the bag of gold he carried would act as the perfect persuader. An easy task, you might think, but Harry was going […]

Miss Hellfire

Issue Number: 5415

A socialite, nurse, and driver, Petra Stone wasn’t afraid of anything. Once she fixed her mind on something she put her foot straight down on the accelerator, racing ahead and leaving everyone else in her dust. When war broke out, finally she had a real challenge and a chance to prove herself. She didn’t know what […]