The Collection

Attention, troops! Here’s where you’ll find out the intel on Commando. The Collection features classic cover images and information about the books, their time periods, settings and the creators involved. Perhaps your favourite artist has drawn the cover or the interior illustrations? We hope you enjoy searching through these special Intelligence files.

Terror Team

Issue Number: 5408

Tom Barton was desperate to get into action, but the Army wouldn’t let him fight. They wanted him to do an office job, not get mixed up with the Nazis. Well, Tom wasn’t having that. Somehow, he would get into the thick of it. So he took another man’s place! But Tom wasn’t to know […]

Fair Play

Issue Number: 5407

“Prize rules” — the set of maritime laws which require a ship’s crew to send a boarding party to inspect any suspicious merchant vessels. If the merchant ship was found to be carrying cargo bound for the enemy, then the submarine was permitted to sink the vessel — after the merchant crew had been put […]

The Forgotten Hero

Issue Number: 5405

When Kieran Hale receives a mysterious wreath at his grandfather’s funeral, signed only “M”, he is desperate to find who sent it. His investigation soon uncovers more about his grandfather’s tour of duty in the Falklands, as he meets old Commandos and unexpected comrades in arms, each with their own extraordinary story of bravery. From […]

A Fool’s Errand

Issue Number: 5403

Lieutenant Stanley Harvey wasn’t the most experienced officer plodding around the Egyptian desert in 1942. And his young age didn’t really inspire confidence in the rank and file either. So, when Harvey was sent on a useless little task with scruffy Privates Kenny Cheam and Sidney Kerr, he felt like he was being fobbed off. […]

Desert Mystery

Issue Number: 5402

The German officer had been prepared to see a mirage or two in the desert, and he’d expected something along the lines of locals and palm trees. But now he was seeing a giant dinosaur lumbering straight towards him! He couldn’t believe his eyes, but the way the monster snapped its slavering jaws soon convinced […]

Common Foe

Issue Number: 5400

Strange things — very strange things — happen in the desert under the hot blazing sun which saps people’s strength and attacks their minds with savage hammer blows of heat. Take the day, for instance, when British and German soldiers, fierce enemies the previous day, stood shoulder to shoulder, guns blazing, to fight back a […]

Lord of the Vortex

Issue Number: 5399

US Army Nurse Emma Wade was no stranger to wacky adventures but this was a new one… Granted, she hadn’t slept in the thirty hours she’d been at the Anzio beachhead, but it was strange indeed that she found herself tagging along with Rek Starlo, a self-confessed galactic avenger. Stranger still, he was determined to […]