The Collection

Attention, troops! Here’s where you’ll find out the intel on Commando. The Collection features classic cover images and information about the books, their time periods, settings and the creators involved. Perhaps your favourite artist has drawn the cover or the interior illustrations? We hope you enjoy searching through these special Intelligence files.

Walk — or Die!

Issue Number: 5444

Corporal Tom Gerrard of the Royal Tank Corps was just an ordinary bloke, easy‑going and cheerful. Colonel Karl Oberth of the Tenth Panzer Division was a typical Nazi officer, brutal and unforgiving. Somewhere on the limitless, scorching inferno of the Western Desert, Fate decided that their tank tracks should cross.   Story: Eric Castle Art: […]

We are the Winter

Issue Number: 5443

Operation Barbarossa — when the Germans betrayed their Soviet allies and invaded Russia. They had the might of the Third Reich behind them and summer on their side. But seasons change quickly in Russia… Partisan leader Olga Goncharova was not afraid of the Germans. She stormed her enemies, cold and deadly as ice, swift as arctic […]

Heroes are Human

Issue Number: 5442

When the German war machine rolled into France, it was the first taste of action for many British troops. Most fought bravely, but some wanted to turn and run, scared by the onslaught of bullets and bombs. Such a man was Second Lieutenant Hugh Standerline. He had two fears — the fear of battle and […]

Flak Crew

Issue Number: 5441

For the crew of an 88mm Flak gun on the Eastern Front, life was tough. Not only did they have blistering‑cold Russian winters to contend with — but also wet and muddy autumns, meagre supplies, thin watery soups, deadly Jabos attacks, brutish enemy tanks, along with the endless waves of determined Soviet soldiers. What started […]

Hunters of the Night

Issue Number: 5438

Out of the darkness they came, to strike at the enemy before he knew what was happening. Their radar locked onto the target, the parachute flares were dropped to illuminate their victim in a blinding glare, then down went the bombs. They were the long-range Catalina flying boats, painted dark grey and flown by men […]

Death Patrol

Issue Number: 5436

Lieutenant Bob Hanson woke up, instantly alert, as the strong beam of an electric torch illuminated the dark corners of the cave he was sheltering in. Then he relaxed when he saw the men at the cave mouth were kitted out in British paratrooper uniform. Bob knew these men were amongst the finest, highly‑trained soldiers […]

A Soldier’s Honour

Issue Number: 5435

Evacuation — again — just like in Greece. The battle for the island of Crete lasted just thirteen days, as Fallschirmjager rained down bringing death and destruction with them. Aussie Corporal Ted Olsen had mates who stayed behind in Greece and it got them killed. Now he’s got a new squad and he’s determined to […]