The Collection

Attention, troops! Here’s where you’ll find out the intel on Commando. The Collection features classic cover images and information about the books, their time periods, settings and the creators involved. Perhaps your favourite artist has drawn the cover or the interior illustrations? We hope you enjoy searching through these special Intelligence files.

The Avengers

Issue Number: 5454

Commandos — on the rampage to wreck Nazi U-boats and U-boat pens, to destroy the sleek deadly killer subs in their secret lairs, plunging the Commando dagger deep into the black heart of Germany. But stop! Among those Commandos was one of German descent — a man who might be a traitor, an explosives expert who with […]

Silent Patrol

Issue Number: 5453

They hated each other like poison, Sergeant Dan Cunliffe of the 8th Army, and big Carlo, the trigger-happy Italian freedom fighter. Trouble was, they had a job to do — a job that was vital to the whole Allied invasion of Italy. Their own quarrel would have to wait. But they did have one thing in […]

Lone Wolf

Issue Number: 5452

At first… every man in the platoon idolised the big Canadian corporal, Steve Lacroix. They envied the strength in his big shoulders, his ice-cold nerve, his fantastic shooting. But soon there were ugly whispers, rumours that big Steve loved his deadly work with gun and knife too much; that like his namesake, the cruel Canadian […]

Killers from the Deep

Issue Number: 5451

In the quiet depths of the ocean there lurks an X-craft, the Navy’s midget submarine. From it, sinister figures in black swim silently upwards. In each strong right hand a dagger gleams evilly in the cold, green light. The frog‑men are on their way… Nazi blood is due to be spilled!   Story: Spence Art: […]

After 2045

Issue Number: 5449

2081, and as World War Three ravages what remains of the flooded City of London, Neo‑Commando Payne and his team are sent on a last-ditch mission to where it all began. As they fight their way through Allied Forth’s machine armies, across air, land, and sea, a handful of war machines from the past become […]

Die — or Walk!

Issue Number: 5448

Along with his three mates, he had captured a swaggering and evil Nazi Colonel. Colonel Karl Oberth of the Panzer Corps wouldn’t forgive the insult of being forced to carry a miserable Britischer across the desert on his back. He would make every Tommy pay for their insolence. And so now, somewhere on the tumultuous, […]

C for Cursed!

Issue Number: 5447

Gordon McAuliffe is the pilot of a Lockheed Hudson bomber based out of RAF Leuchars. All day, every day, he flies the same humdrum maritime patrols searching for enemy vessels. But everything changes when he finds a mysterious ring in a Pictish burial site. At first, Gordon can’t believe his luck at finding a charm […]

The Disruptors

Issue Number: 5445

Behind enemy lines in Nazi Germany, agents Mary Western and Stephen Mailer must disrupt and, where possible, steal enemy technology. Where any advancement could give their adversaries the edge, this group of heroes known only as “The Disruptors” must use their wits to prevent the Axis from getting the upper hand — even investigating the prototype […]