The Collection

Attention, troops! Here’s where you’ll find out the intel on Commando. The Collection features classic cover images and information about the books, their time periods, settings and the creators involved. Perhaps your favourite artist has drawn the cover or the interior illustrations? We hope you enjoy searching through these special Intelligence files.

Frozen Fallout

Issue Number: 5491

Private Lars Ratvik was the worst of all the men in Kompani Reinsdyr, otherwise known as Independent Norwegian Company 1. He couldn’t ski fast, couldn’t arm explosives correctly, he was clumsy and generally useless. But when the chips were down and everything laid on his shoulders, he had to take charge and complete the mission […]

Revenge of the Ghost

Issue Number: 5490

As the German self-propelled guns moved through the snowstorm, thin lines began to appear beneath them and an ominous cracking sound made itself heard. They were on a frozen lake! The panic-stricken crews bailed out as the metal monsters slid through the ice into the waters below. The enemy machines had been led to their […]

Crusader Clash

Issue Number: 5487

Operation Crusader was the first action Sergeant Jake Watson had seen since the shambles of the Battle of France. Nothing could have prepared him for it. Under the baking desert sun, there was nowhere to hide from the deadly Stuka dive-bombers as they rained death from above, or the enemy Panzers which seemed to sniff […]

Escape No Man’s Land

Issue Number: 5485

In the Great War, the sprawling wasteland between the trenches was called no man’s land, a place of desolation that no warm‑blooded man wished to cross. For there was something lurking out there in that barren wilderness, howling in the night, screams echoing against the dead trees —something that made brave soldiers cling tight to […]