The Collection

Attention, troops! Here’s where you’ll find out the intel on Commando. The Collection features classic cover images and information about the books, their time periods, settings and the creators involved. Perhaps your favourite artist has drawn the cover or the interior illustrations? We hope you enjoy searching through these special Intelligence files.

Find Them, Sink Them!

Issue Number: 5506

Lieutenant Tony Markham stood on the bridge of his Motor Torpedo Boat. In front of him was a twenty‑millimetre cannon, behind him were twin half‑inch machine guns and to each side a twenty‑one inch torpedo. Sounds a lot? Not when the target is a massive enemy tanker in a heavily defended French harbour it’s not! […]

Mosquito Ace

Issue Number: 5504

They told Harry ‘Kiwi’Dean to bomb the Nazi prison without hurting any prisoners —to let Paul Thierry, resistance leader, and his men escape. And he did. But there were too many Germans, tanks, and guns kicking around for Kiwi’s liking. So he went one better. Only an ace like Kiwi would have ever tried it. […]

Hong Kong Hooky

Issue Number: 5500

Ask anybody who helped defend Hong Kong against the great tidal wave of Japanese soldiers near the end of December 1941, and they’ll tell you all about “Hong Kong Hooky”. A Royal Navy Lieutenant Commander whose ship was sunk by the Japanese, Hooky was put in charge of a bunch of military scruffs released from […]

Ramsey’s Raiders: The Castle

Issue Number: 5499

The rag-tag band of mavericks are back again but this time, Ramsey and his raiders have stormed a castle capturing all the Jerries inside! But things are never easy for Ramsey’s Raiders, as soon they become the ones under siege —by the SS, no less! And as if being trapped in a castle full of […]