The Collection

Attention, troops! Here’s where you’ll find out the intel on Commando. The Collection features classic cover images and information about the books, their time periods, settings and the creators involved. Perhaps your favourite artist has drawn the cover or the interior illustrations? We hope you enjoy searching through these special Intelligence files.

Jungle Drop

Issue Number: 5568

One by one the British paratroopers began their drop from the Dakota flying high over the Burmese jungle. Watching them go was Sergeant Rusty Miller. All went well until it was the last man’s turn to jump — Private Jason Jones. And Jason had a private feud with Miller, a quarrel that never let up. […]

Target of Vengeance

Issue Number: 5567

It started in the desert, tracking down the so-called ‘Sahara Sniper’, where LRDG Sergeant Jeff Nicholson lost his best friend in the worst way imaginable. Now, as the Allies make their way through the Italian mountains, medics are being picked off faster than a sniper’s bullet! Can Jeff and a green American crack-shot corporal finally […]

Top Cover

Issue Number: 5566

Providing support for a bunch of hard-pressed troops in the thick jungle wasn’t easy for even a crack squadron of Thunderbolts. In fact, it would have been well-nigh impossible but for the efforts of Tony Norton. Although he was a fine pilot, Tony was on the ground right now, fighting alongside the soldiers and sending […]

For Honour!

Issue Number: 5565

In the midst of the Plantagenet Wars, Edric of Burley and The Green Men blaze from fight to fight as the lords and nobles have their petty disputes. When one village stops paying its tithes it’s clear not all is well in this English-held part of France, as Godfrey of Tours leads his French mercenaries […]


Issue Number: 5563

June, 1941. Sister Darcy Jackson and her damaged Austin K2/Y ambulance are following the tracks of the retreat from Halfaya Pass, picking up stragglers. Along the way, the pragmatic nurse, Sepoy Danny Kholi and injured Lieutenant Calum Stone manage to capture a German major and rescue a downed pilot, but little do they know how […]

Hitler’s Double

Issue Number: 5560

On Monday, April 30th, 1945, Adolf Hitler the Nazi tyrant and warlord died in his concrete shelter deep under Berlin. At least, most people believed that. But one man who didn’t was Commando Sergeant Joe Dawson. For Joe and his men claim they kidnapped Hitler in Poland and started to smuggle him across Europe towards […]

Wild Weasel

Issue Number: 5559

During the Vietnam War, the skies above the unforgiving jungle were a dangerous place for American warplanes. Something that Captain Shannon “Vulcan” Sovndal and his RIO, Lieutenant Erik “Luger” Colnick, found out when Russian‑supplied SAMs used by the North Vietnamese Army shot down and killed their wingmen. But the SAM sites would not have it […]