
Dante’s War

Issue Number: 5597

As bullets flew in the deserts of North Africa, Dante Adriaanse had a long-awaited opportunity to even a score that occupied his every waking moment. But it was not to be that day, and his commanding officer, Captain Bekker, survived to continue the fight. Months later, as shells bombard Bazentin, another chance presents itself. Can […]

The Spy in the Mirror

Issue Number: 5595

Central Italy, 1944. Corporal Arthur ‘Art’ Gunn limped into a British camp holding vital coded information. You see, Art was the sole survivor of a recent mission behind enemy lines but something was not right… for, while only one Corporal Art Gunn had embarked on the mission, two Arts had returned — each carrying a […]

The Sins of the Fathers

Issue Number: 5591

Once, the Batavi were a peaceful Germanic tribe friendly to ancient Rome, but their alliance was broken as the Romans betrayed and enslaved them. One man, Militius, would not allow that though. He tricked his captors, killing his legate, Castricius and pushing the Romans to surrender. What no-one could have predicted, though, was that what […]

The Ghosts

Issue Number: 5590

Strange dark figures lurking in the shadows, eerie sounds, mysterious moving lights seen at the dead of night. It was enough to make even the bravest man tremble. But the spirits that haunted Crandon Abbey were not your ordinary old-fashioned English spooks —they were the kind that shot to kill!   Story: Bryan Perrett Art: […]

Night of the Gorgons

Issue Number: 5589

Historians mark the Dodecanese campaign as one of the last major German victories of World War Two. What the history books fail to mention is that Allied and German forces were not the only aggressors active in that region in September 1943. For something far older and deadlier than the Luftwaffe stalked the skies above […]

The Death Card

Issue Number: 5588

Superstitious, are you? Do you believe in fortunetellers and the like? If you do, you wouldn’t fancy being handed the Ace of Spades —the death card —as the key to your future, especially when this particular card had spelt death for two previous owners. But Jim Frobisher of the Commandos wasn’t worried. In fact, he […]